How would calling me idiot relate to me not having any money, or real way to pay my bills? Doesn't allow me to go to school till I am 50, but doesn't stop me from doing it on my own. 
Seriously, I wish things could get better, but there is nothing more I can do, no point in taking your comments to heart. I am 26 year old virgin for christ sakes, mom was going to pay for some gal to suck my cock, and she is bugging me to fuck with a condom. I can't afford to be teasing them like that.
If I sound obnoxious its because I am upset, lots of things, and people who I can't even help.
Take your fucking meds and start behaving like a human being instead of the village idiot and you just might be able to pay your bills and live a decent life. It's not anybodies fault that your a "virgin" and your mom is a psycho, nor is it our/my fault that your obnoxious. Your obnoxious, because your refuse to do whats necessary to turn your life around, you can't pay your bills because you refuse whats necessary to \turn your life around, you don't have money because you refuse to do whats necessary to turn your life around, we can't understand you because you refuse to do what is necessary to turn your life around, yadda yadda yadda, in short help yourself, before you start bitching about us.
You are one sick puppy and though DirtDawg feels empathy for you, well, I won't say the thought that is going thru my mind. I respect DD, I feel nothing but contempt or numbness for you. You truly are pathetic and pitiful.
And now I feel like a big fucking moron, for trying to reason with randy. Anybody want to bet, what his response will be, I bet $100 that his next response will be to make me look like I have the problem and am fucked up.
Seriously, this is fun and I don't care anymore! Say what you will about me, BUT I will not be silent anymore in regard to worms of the earth.