Modzilla is new to autie boards if I understand it correctly. Which should come as no surprise.
The thing is, how does anybody know and why is "P" so keen on her!? I mean, it's his board and his choice. IMHO, this is a real tempest in a pot of tea. I'm not attacking anybody, I'm just watching all this and shaking my head in bitter disappointment that another interforum war is yet again rearing it's ugly head.
**ozymandias will now shut his flapping pie hole, since he is totally clueless and bemused at all the drama.**
It's not a war between boards, Ozy. I doubt most people see it in that way, and I know I don't. I see it the current drama as a problem *in* P's board.
Then why the cross border forum battles?? If Gaara runs things a particular way and "P" lets them, let it go! Maybe some people don't see it as a war between boards, but, I DO, and I can't believe that I am the ONLY ONE who does so. I maybe many things, but, clueless I am not, you have a really strong compulsion to get the last word as does Callaway, Peaguy, Gaara, calandale, hadron, milla, etc, etc, etc, yadda yadda yadda and so on and so forth.
The only use I see for this back and forth, tit for tat, bantering is for the sheer love of verbal battle. Something, I have no use for and am quite happy to sit and watch you all "bloody" and batter yourselves senseless. If "P's forum fails, so be it, if I2 fails, so be it, I'm only here, there and everywhere, to socialize, read and be very glad that I am who I am, and to say this, "I am a very lucky bastard". If every forum fails, I will still be me, doing what I do and thinking what I think, and living life as I see fit. I was the person I am before forums and I will be the person I will be after forums.
Remember, you and me are ultimately, just scrambled electrons assembled on a computer screen.............................