
Author Topic: TheCowardlyOne you fucking cunt  (Read 20697 times)

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Offline ApotheosisIV

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TheCowardlyOne you fucking cunt
« on: August 06, 2008, 06:28:03 AM »
I don't give a fuck that you think I am boring; although of course considering your MO it is rather laughable.
Tell me why you think I am a hypocrite.
( try not mention WrongPlanet please)
« Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 05:26:10 AM by Kosmo2.0 »

Offline ApotheosisIV

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Re: TheCosenOne you fucking cunt
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2008, 06:30:25 AM »
You fucking cocksucker. Dare to touch karma, bitch.  :wanker: :wanker: :wanker:


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Re: TheCosenOne you fucking cunt
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2008, 06:37:14 AM »
Where should I start? Every thread on zOMG, you have to get stuck into anyone (yes, even me) when we discuss Wankplanet, and even if you don't fucking like it, there are people who are pissed off with it. Now I can accept you calling me out, but if you want to play childish bullshit games, then go ahead. Just remember, you started all the whingeing and moaning in that thread on ZOMG about being IP banned from Wankplanet, then you expect us not to talk about them. So if you want to be a hypocrite, that's fine also. Just don't expect me to feel sorry for you.

Oh, and I'm not worried about being called a cunt; they are useful afrerall.

Then leave my fucking karma alone, you sycophantic little turd.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2008, 06:39:00 AM by The_Chosen_One »

Offline ApotheosisIV

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Re: TheCosenOne you fucking cunt
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2008, 06:42:29 AM »
I said without mentioning wrongplanet.
I stopped reading after that.

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Re: TheCosenOne you fucking cunt
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2008, 06:44:52 AM »




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Re: TheCosenOne you fucking cunt
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2008, 06:58:17 AM »
Kosmo, you stupid fuck, Wankplanet is the reason you are here, it's the reason I'm here, and it's the reason we are all here. Get used to it.


Had enough yet?

Offline ApotheosisIV

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Re: TheCosenOne you fucking cunt
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2008, 07:03:07 AM »
We are all here because of WrongPlanet?
You really believe this?
I own my internets.
Continue to mention the site in all your posts - some of us don't think it is boring at all.

Offline Mr Smith

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Re: TheCosenOne you fucking cunt
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2008, 07:07:46 AM »
I'm only here because of WP, tbh. I doubt you'd find many members here that aren't part of WP or who have not posted at WP in the past.


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Re: TheCosenOne you fucking cunt
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2008, 07:11:51 AM »
If it weren't for there, where we all met, then there would be no here. Or zOMG. They all have a connection. And if I remember rightly, you purposely went there to frig things up, and copped it in the arse. THEN you complained to all and sundry over it for ay least a month or so. So don't start your shit with me, donkey dick, because it won't work. And for your fucking information, the only reason I mention them now is to hang shit on them. I couldn't care if Alex and the rest died this minute and the site imploded. These threads keep going becuase ovbviously someone else thinks they are shit too. And for someone who thinks he owns the net, and spends so much time on it, I'd have thought you'd have worked that out.

Offline ApotheosisIV

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Re: TheCosenOne you fucking cunt
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2008, 07:12:34 AM »
I'm only here because of WP, tbh. I doubt you'd find many members here that aren't part of WP or who have not posted at WP in the past.
Hardly relevant though.
It's not like WrongPlanet invented autism or the internet.
And it's not like you or other posters mention the site in every post they make.

Offline ApotheosisIV

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Re: TheCosenOne you fucking cunt
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2008, 07:18:28 AM »
If it weren't for there, where we all met, then there would be no here. Or zOMG. They all have a connection. And if I remember rightly, you purposely went there to frig things up, and copped it in the arse. THEN you complained to all and sundry over it for ay least a month or so. So don't start your shit with me, donkey dick, because it won't work. And for your fucking information, the only reason I mention them now is to hang shit on them. I couldn't care if Alex and the rest died this minute and the site imploded. These threads keep going becuase ovbviously someone else thinks they are shit too. And for someone who thinks he owns the net, and spends so much time on it, I'd have thought you'd have worked that out.

Yes, you don't remember rightly.
Not really sure what you are talking about with the rest of the post. There are a lot of words. I don't know who this Alex is that you wish dead. You may have got me mixed up with someone else.

Also, wishing someone dead for such petty reasons seems a bit pathetic.
Try and be the better man: I would say go postal or move on from this and get on with the rest of your life.
I've been banned from many websites, it's not really a priority in my life.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2008, 07:22:20 AM by Kosmo2.0 »


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Re: TheCosenOne you fucking cunt
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2008, 07:30:32 AM »
Why complain then dickwad? If you aren't Kosmonaut aka Kosmo aka citrus aka Kosno2.0, then you have no reason to whinge and moan and complain if

is mentioned or not. You seem to be obsessed with them, every waking (or should that be wanking) moment. Maybe you need Alex Plank to give you another guiding hand... no, he banned you, didn't he. did some spamming and trolling there, eh? If not, then you are obviously speaking out of your fundament with this callout, and that's why I piss all over it.

I've taken on bigger prats than you before, and left them in the middle of the footpath like freshly laid dog-turds, so don't play tough around me.

Offline ApotheosisIV

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Re: TheCosenOne you fucking cunt
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2008, 07:41:40 AM »
Yes, I'm obviously the one obsessed with wrongplanet here.  :hahaha:


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Re: TheCosenOne you fucking cunt
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2008, 07:51:22 AM »
Yes, you are.  :indeed:

And I think you picked the wrong person to take on. And if you had read the quote properly, dickhead, it was that I didn't care what the fuck happened to them, they are the least of my worries. You obviously don't know sarcasm and metaphorical speech when either comes up and bites you on the bum  :shark: so unless you can give up this pathetic little scene and stop carrying on like a two bob watch, you aren't going to get anywhere.

Anyway, there might be more converts from


over on zOMG if you're interested.....

Offline ApotheosisIV

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Re: TheCosenOne you fucking cunt
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2008, 08:01:13 AM »
Yes, you are.  :indeed:

Search function suggests otherwise: I grepped all your posts and in over 60% of them you mention wronplanet, wankplanet, alex, plank.
Whereas, not including the threads where I am taking the piss out of you, it is <1% for Kosmo posts.
Rather conclusive evidence.

Yeah, laugh it off as all sarcasm and metaphor.
We all know you are joking.