I've been meaning to epoxy a round disk of rubber innertube from a bike tyre to the base of my piercing, the bit that goes inside my lip on the inner surface, as I have noticed some abrasion, although minor, theres a small dent in the tooth behind it.
But I plan to get my teeth done properly, as my severe acid reflux has destroyed or done severe damage to many of them. I figure, wait until the forthcoming gastroscopy, since no point getting rebuilt what will only be destroyed again. Get the issue fixed then go get the lot done at once under general. Will have to be implants since I cannot wear false teeth. Which was all I was offered when I lost the one implant I did have, given me free during childhood, after crashing headlong, or rather, tooth-long into another kid's skull during a football game at my first spesh school. He made off with half my tooth stuck in his forehead. Lasted for a long time, but eventually I sneezed and it shot out of my mouth across the room.