i can sort of beat that. my friend and i were cutting down a bastard
leylandii at the back of a neighbour's garden. well, he was doing all the butch work, with the chainsaw and stuff, and i was relegated to hacking up the smaller branches.
anyway, i yelled, "timberrrrrrr!", as you do, and the sodding thing feel the wrong way, into the garden of one of the houses backing onto mine.
can you picture the scene? there's lynden, in shorts, big fuck-off boots, ear protectors on the top of his head, and safety goggles, and me in shorts, big fuck-off
silver boots (one has to stay stylish, even when doing manual work, i always say), purple hair, covered in sap and still wielding the bow saw, both traipsing round to the poor unfortunate who has added tree in his/her back garden. we were hysterical, because all we could think of was that we had to say, "can we have our tree back, please?"
luckily, they weren't in, so we just hopped over the back and bodged the tree back into my neighbour's garden.
i'm still giggling at the thought now.