Nizkor consciously misrepresents or ignores Holocaust Revisionist arguments but hardly refutes them.
Funny. I was just about to say something like that, only it was about you, Dr Konrad and friends.
You're the pot calling the kettle black.
See where Nick Terry proves Mr Graf is a liar.
So Terry thinks he can debunk Graf's entire work by pointing out to a single footnote Graf supposebly missed in the 1991 German edition? Even if Terry is correct (since I don't own a copy of that edition, I can't verify it), it's pretty much the weakest attempt to debunk a revisionist work I've encountered thusfar. Terry can definitely do better than that.
Nevertheless, this is typical for Terry. Terry is actually the Holocaust historian I've discussed with in the past and he probably knows me as one of his toughest adversaries in Holocaust debate. At one point he became so desperate in trying to prove the existence of gas vans (one of his areas of expertise) that he mistranslated various German documents to use those translations as proof. Terry's main activity appears to be spending many hours a day on internet forums and blogs misrepresenting or ignoring revisionist arguments in combination with character assassination in a pitiful attempt to debunk Holocaust Revisionism. In spite of his education as a historian, he completely fails to oblige to scientific methods and when his other arguments have been debunked. Adding all this to his status as a Charles H. Revson Foundation Fellow when he worked at the USHMM writing his disinformation on the Einsatzgruppen, he fits the criteria of a conscious disinformant. It's quite an interesting leap from his former career as a thrash metal journalist.
His friends Andrew Mathis, Sergey Romanov and Roberto Muehlenkamp with whom he runs both the Holocaustcontroversies blog and the RODOH forum are equally pathetic, by the way. Terry is possibly the least obnoxious of the bunch, however that doesn't say much.
I'm afraid it's not a joke. McVey rather effectively picks apart your arguments.
You should really get into comedy. At least Terry is smart enough not to leave the Jewish lampshade and Jewish soap story for what it is, as pretty much every historian has accepted this was mere propaganda. But no.... MyVey is so stubborn to even mention those as facts, which totally destroy his credibility.
That's the standard accusation from you and your ilk, when faced with someone who won't back down. Defamation is apparently not such a bad thing when you are the people doing it. McVey's financing his work himself, and by contributions from the public.
The public = rich and powerful ancient alien individuals and organisations.
But you know that's the kind of thing McVey's been getting used to for the past ten years or more. Now, let me hear that you don't approve of the death threats McVey's been receiving, either.
McVey is a dirtbag disinformant, which makes makes me strongly object to him as a person. Yet, I also object to threatening people. The Holocaust myth should be openly debated in academia between orthodox historians and revisionist historians. It should not be something left to legislators, internect activists and dangerous political radicals (whether Jewish supremacist or white supremacist).