I would say that from my point of view, you are the one who often takes a confrontational stance with me, Calandale.
That too.

I actually thought you had
been supporting the idea. Now, seeing
that you never had, I feel better.
I was actually agreeing with what you and Odeon were saying, about Omega moderating the board by moving his and Lucifer's threads and you moderating the board by wanting to move the What Did You Eat Today thread, except for a question of degree in the number of posts movd, then you were the one who argued that it didn't feel EXACTLY the same.
I still see differences. Wasn't the games board a
newer addition though? If so, did it predate that
I thought you might like reading it, but you should also read some other threads from that time to see how Randy was hijacking most discussions then, so you could understand why the idea was suggested in the first place.
He does that now, doesn't he?
Don't we all?

Well, maybe not you, and a few others,
but certainly MANY of us.