Unfathomable for me to go more than a day without showering, brushing/flossing teeth, shaving, etc., with OCD-induced thoroughness on top of that. When done, the head of the electric toothbrush (Sonicare) gets detached and soaked in denture cleaner (along with the tongue brush), and the electric shaver goes back onto its automatic cleaning/charging station. If some company would make and sell an automatic nostril cleaner, I'd get that, too. Then I wouldn't have to use Q-tips to remove those boogers that you just know would get blown out later in the day, anyway, possibly in front of co-workers (so better to get 'em in the privacy of home).
That's quite a set of early-morning chores, and not fun either, but I feel all nasty until it gets done.
When I'm home by myself, I'm dressed in all black (scary, maybe, but not disgusting), though I do have this raggedy flannel shirt that I like to throw on over the black when I'm knocking back a beer and watching a DVD. You'd have to pay me to wear that shirt out in public.
The best way to explain this, in comparison to people who admit to having questionable hygeine, is that I must have made it a strong compulsion some time back.