The American Refugees who flocked to RedNote have left a dire warning towards the American Government:"Don't tread on me, or I will send the Flying Monkeys"
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Main Entry: clique Listen to the pronunciation of clique Listen to the pronunciation of cliquePronunciation: \ˈklēk, ˈklik\ Function: noun Etymology: FrenchDate: 1711: a narrow exclusive circle or group of persons; especially : one held together by common interests, views, or purposes
Quote from: DirtDawg on November 18, 2007, 04:24:52 PMYeah, I've done this before on other sites. It's fun for a while.It is the same as clique behavior in my a different sort of way. I can see whereit would reinforce such, but hell, some of us can'tjust drool over one another, all the time. I rather suspect that you will see that the clique ofthose who didn't mind being pranked fitting moreinto this, but really, 'tis more or a way of having ourcake (in terms of pranks), and eating it too (in termsof not infringing on anyone). I've only outlined ONE general manner that it couldbe used. A bit of ingenuity, and it could end up with clever variations.
Yeah, I've done this before on other sites. It's fun for a while.It is the same as clique behavior in my book.
I use clique in a pretty loose sense. Really, just a group, with some commonality. And, they may havedeep rooted psychological reasons for being so attachedto their profiles.