^ Spar? Ah noes.. you pay too much for your groceries, I'm afraid. Not sure but think that supermarket is one of the most expensive around.
I go to the Dirk for the most basic stuff (they even had fresh artichokes a while ago/was nice but.. I didn't know it took that long to prepare them properly). Well, no wine, meat, fish, bread and/or cheese I get from there though.
Artichoke hearts out of a can go for €0.99 at the Dirk, btw. €2 (fartin').49 at the Jumbo. I must be careful with the acid water they come in. That stuff can fuck my tummy up like.. ja, something. Trick is (blahiah

), as soon as I purchased them, to throw away the acid water and put them in fresh water (in een weckpot, in my case).
Um, going to get some bread and wine from the Jumbo in an hour (?).