I came home to a massive box of butchered venison, antelope and beeffalo, packed in dry ice and delivered to my door. The crate weighed about one hundred eight pounds (not yet sure of the proportions, but an eighth of a beefalo, a quarter of a deer or half an antelope), according to the bill of lading.
It is full of all possible cuts of deer, antelope and ground varieties, along with a few roasts of beeffalo and some steaks and hocks of all the above.
I just mentioned that we were eating down our freezer and clearing out our pantry of older foods as winter progresses. Never imagined that my family from Texas would "take offense" at my newkly developed Northern ways and want to refill my freezer.
The only problem I see with all of this is that my daughter and I are the only ones who eat game, although beefalo is not much different from the highest grades beef. I feel that my son and my wife, the two "big eaters" in the family, will not really take any interest in about half of the meat my folks sent to me.
Back to the topic, I have not eaten but a banana, today, but I have two nice cuts of antelope (bone in) ham/steaks, slow cooking on my grille. Yeah, it is fucked outside, so I started my grille in my garage, with two doors open.
I also put potatoes in foil and set them next to the coals. If I can find a vegetable, I would have a kind of complete meal.