I made one-armed waffles for the kids' breakfast. (It's cold as fuck out there. I wanted them to have a hot meal)
I will probably do a lot of one-armed meals in the near future.

Is it your right arm that's broken?
When I broke my little finger, it was amazing to me to find out how many things I needed both my hands to do.
Bacon cheeseburger with mushrooms.
Yes, the right one.
I haven't really had much pain, but whisking the eggs (we try not to use powered appliances in this house - the noise is too much) for waffles with my left hand made the injury wail. I made a hell of a drip mess, too, because I couldn't hold the mixing bowl near the waffle iron, while spooning in the batter.
I can't chop anything or use a shredder. I have the use of my hand, but the range is limited.

The kids helped me make dinner. We had "fried." That's what I call fishsticks, fries, hushpuppies, tater tots, corn dogs, chicken nuggets and all that other wonderful frozen crap we buy for quick, easy kid meals and smother in ketchup. Tonight it was nuggets, tater tots and some canned peaches over ice cream, for dessert. I just had the peaches.