Lol 'o'filthylicious young lady, I can't say I've ever smashed a chicken wing with a hammer. Then again I do not have dogs. I am REALLY not a dog person. I've had all sorts of pets, a good few cats, a raven/rook, a hedgehog, a tank of leeches, I did take in a dog once, when I was younger, the poor mite was being abused, and literally came to me, and decided to make itself at home. So I adopted the wee bugger and took care of him/her (I forget which sex the bugger was). I am NOT a dog person in the slightest, but I will absolutely NEVER FUCKING WELL see an animal being abused and not take action. And no course of action, should unpleasantries and brutality towards the guilty humans be necessary. I've called in the RSPCA more than once, to sick them onto a local pet shop where their fish are treated like shite (they even throw sick or dying fish into the piranha tank (massively overcrowded, the fish attack each other mercilessly, and there are chunks bitten out of a great many of the piranhas).
I hold animal abuse as one of the VERY few occasions/reasons I would EVER talk to, or cooperate with the filth. The only other two being rape, and child abuse, be it battering kids, starving them, emotionally abusing them or shagging little kids. I wouldn't have anything to do with the pigs even in a murder case, but animal cruelty? I would stamp on the guilty until their internal organs burst and they bleed out internally, slowly and painfully.