What I say to my girlfriend is, I am trying to help you reach your potential, then I will except you. I don't particualy like her daiting 50 men, and if I can't help her then maybe friends is best, perhaps not.
Its not always you, sometimes the other person has issues. I believe those that are the most compassion are the healthiest mentally.
If I was you I would have dumped Jessica ages ago, her dating 50! other guys behind my back would have led me to totally break off contact with her. Seriously Randy you are setting yourself up to have your heart broken big time.
No offense, but you don't appear to understand people like I do. I don't jump to conclusions, as that could cause unecessary aurosal. I imagine a person with AS would do that because of a deficeit in abstract thought. Jessica, just like all the people on here, who have that, are overall highly fuctional. Normal people are highly fuctional to
Seriously, the people I see that are quote on quote normal, seem pretty stupid to me. There are times inwhich I would judge them worse.
Your fine people, seriously.