
so much to say!
1. next door's landlord (mr. singh) came round today, trying to serve notice on the asboids! he said he'd already sent them a week's notice, but they hadn't acknowledged it. we knew someone was in cos the window was wide open, but the wankers wouldn't answer the door. so, in full hearing of whoever was probably listening, i gave mr. singh (who's a lovely bloke) the phone numbers for the community police woman person thing, who's dealing with it all, and told him about sending things recorded delivery, which means legally, they've acknowledged receipt. etc., etc.
i really didn't think he'd do it, but he did - my new hero!

2. the little fat asboid threw a complete wobbly in the street about half an hour ago, screaming, swearing, hysterics, crying, shouting. i've never seen anything like it - he actually threw himself on the ground and waggled his arms and legs about!

i was pissing myself laughing - this kid is twelve, ffs, and hasn't got AS or any other excuse. great entertainment. (and if you think that sounds cruel, walk a mile in my shoes, etc.). just as well, cos not only did they keep me from sleeping until v late last night, they woke me up when i was
trying to catch up with a siesta this afternoon. i can't fucking win.

however, it really looks as though they might be gone soon.

and the other thing is that it's been
me who's done practically all of the work to get them gone. and if the other people on the street don't acknowledge this, you can bet your kidneys i'll be reminding them of how much they whined and how little they did: i'm really angry about that.
phew. long post.