What's an air cast?
I don't know about reflexes - I heard something move. I always hear stuff.
An aircast is an inflatable, usually considered temporary in their simplest form, removable cast. I can remove it myself, clean beneath it, keep the skin healthy, etc. then replace it.
The doctor said they used to use them only for transport after an accident, but they now make them stronger and use them for many simple fractures, although mostly for adults. When the injury is relatively minor the healing proceeds more quickly than it would with complete immobility, especially the after-care process due to less surrounding tissue atrophy.
A joint injury or any fracture that would require some reconstructive surgery to the bone, such as adding plates or screws, would still require complete immobility to heal properly.
I was lucky and my bones are still fairly flexible, apparently.
(Yes, I read the entire pamphlet, packaging, instruction sheet, indication warnings ... all of it.