next time you need to buy a couple of trashcans, or similar, present them for sale.
heres how:
go get one trash can, then go get your supplements, or wahtever, put them in the trashcan.  then go get another trashcan and  put it inside the first trash can.
look for a bored cashier, one that looks like they dont really give a fuck, and present your entire order for sale as is.
its not your problem if they don't look inside, now is it.
how many items do people leave under their cart in the parking lot. Â walmart resells em, unless the customer comes back, which is unlikely.
also another thing you need to consider is that the items that were omitted by the cashier do not contain those metalic security strips.
this is not stealing, this is an oversight on their part.
and i don't feel like hearing any moralistic opinions about this practice because guess what, WALMART IS WITHOUT MORALS.
also make sure that you have enough to pay for everything if the cashier isn't as bored as she seems