Was Bodaccea born a female?
Is Squiddy a girl or a boy or something in between?
How the hell am I going to keep people apart?
What countries are these tards from?
Is my yeastinfeciton gone or not?
Bodaccea was indeed born a girl, Squiddy is a gay guy, avatars will help you to tell them apart.
They are both from England, and are not tards. 
As for the yeast infection, do you still have itching and burning?
I have no problem with telling these exact members apart, but others.
And i did not particularly wonder what countries these exact members are from, nor do I consider them very derpy. These ponderings were not related to the aforementioned. (Tards was referring to everyone on this site. Including me.)
Just a lil' bit itching left. I think...or...I haven't checked today.
Well, I got two days left on my medicine, so by then I'll be fine, I guess.