I'm tired, been very busy while I was alone the past week. Saw the Psych yesterday and he doesn't want to put me on anything alse for ADHD, since other options are stimulants, which would likely adversely affect my anxiety. This is awesome, since the side effects seem to have gone away. No more sweats, no more premature release during relations (solo that is), and the twitching seems to have all but gone away.
I am excited about a new business I am helping out with that we are starting out in California. We don't know exactly what we'll be doing, but the plan is to find a niche in a non-profit, benefit concert way for people with disabilities.
I am totally addicted to Vampire Wars by Zynga on FaceBook and mildly so with Mafia Wars. I made the mistake in Vampire Wars of going up levels doing missions instead of fights, so my experience is so low my little clan keeps getting its ass kicked. Anybody who wants to join my clan, just look up Trigger 11.
I got a lot, and I mean a lot, of stuff organized in the house this week with nobody there. I am better prepared now to slither down to the basement for good.