I am developing a theory that my children, along with most every autistic child who is highly functioning enough to struggle through mainstream classes are serving as learning tools for the school district. It is through this "generation" that the ones who actually care enough to try to educate ALL the kids are learning what kinds of considerations to keep trying and which to abandon, where autistic students are concerned.
If the school can learn enough from my kids and the dozen or so others who are mainstreamed, the next few years of education could be much improved for the HFA kids.
We just got his latest IQ assessment results and he is registering as a 235 on average. He is up from the mid hundreds, last year. I guess we didn't totally waste the summer after all. Obviously, I have little faith in these kinds of tests, but it is very scary to see these numbers on a page, compared with his peers.
How in the BLUE FUCK can I possibly help him?