Blue is depressing, so I wonder if you want to be calmned down. Black is the absance of color, so I guess no stimulation, and perhaps more evidence you want to be calmned down. I admit myself, but thankfully, I can easily controll myself. I used to yellow, then it was green, and now its all bright colors. Bright colors cause a sense of agitation, perhaps that is to trigger the mania that occurs with my discrete personality disorder. Mania makes one feel good, but my the intense symptomology of my mom who I am mirroring, does not occur in me. I am very patient person. Its just a disfuctional coping strategy that I used to use for dealing with my mom. More predictable behavior perhaps reduces one's distress, especially if its the same as yours. Hmm.. yellow... fear. Fear triggers endorphin release, there is a bunch of articles on autism and endorphins. In proper processing of certain proteins, ie gluten and casein, can make one's behavior strange. The more endorphins and psuedo endorphins one has, the more one needs to help day to day fuctioning. Yellow may stimulate endorphin release. Perhaps I am wrong, but I don't feel I have AS or HFA anymore.
What is your favorite season?