Damn, now I want to visit a sauna, and get the last bit of this bloody cold out of my system, and my mind relaxed.
Do you have a sauna at your home, Odeon?
Go in Finnish style and swim in the icy water afterward.
I'm anti-leprechaun.
You're on the shit list now, buddy!
Kick him in the shins.
I think they call it 5:2.
The outcome is that I feel a lot healthier and sleep better. I have also lost weight--I am down two sizes and need a new belt.
The fast day is like a cleansing ritual. It actually feels good in itself. Sure, I sometimes do get hungry but it doesn't feel like a problem.
Are you still doing this? Do you think I could do it?
Your hunger would give you something to post about.
Parts and Odeon I agree whole heartedly with you. However, a turned-on phone is a necessity for me when out because of PA and the PR's health issues. In sensitive places it's on vibrate and between my breasts, so instead of a ring tone nearby people are treated to me screaming, jumping up and scrabbling in my bra. But no ring tone.
I'm sure the onlookers appreciate the jiggle.
At least it's not on vibrate in sensitive places in sensitive places.
You're encouraging sin, CBC.
^ Raising forty flavors of Celtic hell!
There aren't forty flavors in Celtic cuisine.