You've got...hypnotic eyes.
Thanks, i think. lol
And maps are one of my obsessions, so now you don't have to ask me that particular question.
Really? i couldnt have guessed.
I can think of worse obsessions for one to have.
Why don't you do some modelling work on the internet? Loads of pretty girls do it for fun, and you can help support your famly with the huge amounts of cash you are making.
Do you ever have any bad hygiene periods? (Messy hair, acne, etc.)
Modelling well...i was approached by two major fashion modelling agencies in the UK, due to my "catwalk" shape (yes the term was used lol) mainly i think, and i refused as much as the money, the pros and all the extras would have been very tempting to some. Basically as much as i love my designer labels, fashion etc, i had some reservations and it just wasnt really my thing or something i was into, the idea of being owned didnt appeal to me either, which is what you are the minute you sign the contract. So unglamourous in any sense tacky internet modelling, sleazy modelling etc would get an even bigger "piss off" from me and wouldnt be anywhere as near alluring.
Bad hygiene periods, no, unless you count sometimes leaving a day or two (maximum) between hair washes so as not to badily strip the natural oils etc, which washing it every single day tends to do no matter how decent your shampoo claims to be lol. For me hygiene and maintenance/upkeep of appearance etc is important, especially for a woman. I was also one of these little girls who grew up with the old fashioned sense of glamour and what a lady was etc especially old icons (actresses such as audrey hepburn and so on) plus images from the 1920s-1940s.