Have you ever wished you could have taken another path in life? And if so what would that path be?
had to tell really - stuff tends to happen for a reason. I just haven't worked out the reason for some of it yet.
hmm. I wish I had known things before making assumptions - the biggest of which is borrowing money in the mistaken belief that I would soon be on a higher and rising income like my university peers. That one fucked up big time. I wish I'd focused more on music when younger. Knowing about AS might have helped make better choices, but its a bit late now.
How did you first find out about AS?
How old were you at the time?
I first heard of AS in the early 90s, but didn't think much of it - after all, I wasn't a trainspotter or a total outcast, so I didn't think it applied to me. It wasn't until my son's school spotted his AS four years ago that the penny dropped - he was diagnosed 6 months later, and after a lenghty fight for NHS funding I was finally diagnosed in August 2004. The most irritating aspect was that my mother had suspected I was on the autistic spectrum for a long time, and said