It the healthy things in general. ?The herbs cannot replace a healthy diet, they are inconjunction with. I just started with those things, and was not using them for the first three years. If I live two more I have a 50 percent chance of survival of cancer. I want my life in full gear, and I want it ?fuckn now, this is why I keep trying with all the shit. So that means, be extreme as I possibly can. I have already wasted 23 years of my life, with nothing, not even a friend. ?My mom has been bugging me to have children, get a job, and go to college. ?My hard work is getting me there. ?Pretty soon I am going to actually look for a job and take some college courses, (CCRI) that are being offered at the Westerly High School. ? I might need meds to controll this fuckn truama issue of the stupid shit I keep doing, I loose my compassion, and get people mad. I have lots of consideration otherwise. I am starting to wonder if I have controll, because it does not matter how good my mood is. I am not supposed to wonder, my therapist neglected to tell me, again. I am lucky I am so smart other wise I don;t know. Sorry QC. I am not trying to build up anymore muscle, I just want to maintain my current fitness level. Too big and the muscules might cut off blood vessels and reduce endurance. ?I was just boasting to attract a women. I am alot more proud of my current fitness level than muscule mass. ?I will pic of my body on here, but not total nudity. You women, who don;t have boyfriends picture me. ?I am 15olbs and am 5feet 8inches. ?I see abs when I am working out.