A bag full of double raspberry 'magnum' ice creams (ew those awful sticks, not touching that bit of them, or even scraping it with a knife , the last bit of chocolate goes in the bin. Those sticks are an abomination), two packs of 'classic' cigars, and a big big bag of large bags of different candies...midget gems, jelly babies, treacle toffee...I feel like celebrating today; because I just got back from an appt with the doctor, who, after so many years of my trying for a script for it, because it can do so many wonderful things for me, in terms of quality of life and other neat as neat gets shit....its brilliant. God's own medicine, the flask held by seraphim whilst the archangels add the dimethyladamantyl bromide or tosylate and then form the amine,...it really is. Doc told me he's gonna go with it, after listening to my explanation of what it does for me, and what its capable of, how it does what it does etc. and said yeah, just let me make one phone call to cover my own arse (because its an alzheimer's drug, generally scripted by specialists), got a fresh seizure rescue pack script, and should hear tomorrow from my doc about the memantine, and get cracking with actually starting on it tomorrow, hopefully

Lol funny moment, when he said, 'just need a quid pro quo', him meaning covering his ass with a phonecall to a specialist...I thought he meant..something else entirely...and the look on his face at the potential shopping list was rather..ahem...one of shock. Bit of a spazz mis-read moment there. But funny nonetheless.
Although the doc was shocked to shit when he asked the memantine dose i use when starting a cycle, and I told him '50, three times a day, (mg), first day, then 100, 50, 100 next day then 100, 100, 100. He knew it as coming in 5mg, 10mg and 20mg pills or liquids etc. Thought I meant 10mg and 5mg, until I had to explain it to him that I wasn't taking pills, but buying the raw crystalline memantine hydrochloride, weighing it on my mg-sensitive scale and just dissolving it in a drink and knocking it back in a shot of orange juice of something similar. If he looked pale as a ghost after that spazz moment of mine, then he looked like he just shit his britches. Still, quite funny.