Did you know that you can pass through the Teiris campaign with flying colours by constantly searching at Crystal Castle for those priceless Dragon Crests?
Well, now you do. Manoa + Dragons = Impending doom to your enemies.
No; I didn't know that. I usually pick the troops that trump the troops of the opposition, and if they're archers/mages, have them stay in one position; if they're non-projectile users, I have them walks a little less than halfway, then
stand there and slaughter.
why do you and your boyfriend have sex if christians? I thought all christians were forbbiden sex before marriage no matter what denomination or level of liberal-ness , am I wrong to think this? If so why have so many Christians told me this?
Was that intended to be as hostile as it sounded?
I generally avoid talking religion on here because what I (and other non-atheist, non-pagans) am/are generally met with on the net is: "leik omgzorz u beleev in god? ur such a ph1l0s0ph1cal n00b! nd ur a Xian? omfg u want war and capital punishment nd u h8 everything i liek! and ur pregudized! which i am t0t4lly not! 0bviously! l0lzorz!"