How would you like your funeral conducted?
I'm honestly not sure. It depends when I die. I do know I ant my organs donated and whatever is left to be cremated. I also do geniunely want my tombstone to read, "Dance on my grave and I'll grab your ankle." but for the funeral itself- well, I used to think I wanted to make it as cheerful as possible but the more I think about it the more I think that asking that something goofy or odd be done would kind of really mess up people who might outlive me, and while I do admit I hope that people are upset by my death when I die to some extent, I wouldn't want to be screwing with their heads horribly from beyond the grave.
I think one of the most important things that I want is to be remembered as someone who was generally a "decent person." I.E. a helpful therapist, a good friend, possibly as a caring partner depending on what's going on in ym life when I die (other than its cessation). Not as a great philanthropist or some awesome selfless saint, but I'd like to leave the world having done more good than harm. ((I am not totally sure if this would be true if I died now, but I'm planning on going into a kind of obviously helpfing career and I do think that the work will fulfill me. I of course will not "depend" on my patients to be better but if none of your pateitns ever get better, face it, as a therapist you probably suck. I do not want to suck as a therapist. I want to help.))