I've done this too, but stopped a few years ago. If I really, really wanted a fuck, I could hit the clubs again and pick up somebody, but it's just not worth it to me.
What part of it makes it not worth it?
1. Clubs around here are loud, crowded places with sticky floors, entrance fees, frisking, unfriendly staff and belligerent customers.
2. Girls that look quite attractive in dark clubs and with the assistance of alcohol generally turn out to be complete mingers in the harsh light of day and sobriety.
3. After a while, you start bumping into people you've shagged before, which is rather awkward.
4. It's much simpler to just have a wank and forget about it. That way, there's no bouncers, boyfriends, STD's, pregnancies or walking 20km because I missed the last bus out of town and am too cheap to get a taxi.