here are some cheats for sim city on Super Nintendo

Debug menu:
When you begin the game, immediately start a new city. When in-game, go to the "Save/Load" menu and select "End". When you see the sleeping moon and the "See you soon, Goodbye!" message, Press Left, A, Right, Y, Up, B, Down, X, Select, Start, Start, Select, R(2), L(2) on controller two. The Debug menu will appear to confirm correct code entry. The following options will now become available.
Information in this section was contributed by Joshua Dettmann.
Sound Test: As its name implies, it allows you to play both background music and game sounds.
No Disasters: Disables your ability to cause disasters and almost completely disables disasters during scenarios. It does not always work. You can still get plane crashes and sometimes nuclear disasters during a new city under Hard mode.
Needless Money: This allows you to build anything you can currently build for free, regardless of how much money you currently have.
Valve Max: This forces your [R C I] graph at the upper right-hand corner of the game to stay max positive no matter what.
Water Reclaim: This gives your "Bull Doze Area" the ability to replace water with land. Select "Bull Doze Area" and you can bulldoze water just like bulldozing trees and/or shorelines.
Memory: This option is important. If you enable any cheats on the Debug menu, make sure to put "Memory" on "Set", then reset the game to activate any cheats from the Debug menu. If memory is on "Set", you can return to the Debug menu at anytime by going to the "Save/Load" menu and selecting "End" at anytime without inputting the code again. Putting the "Memory" option on "CLS" will get rid of the debug menu and return the game to normal. Note: This will also disable any activated cheats and you will have to re-input the code