I dunno, what did happen? I don't see anything particularly unusual in what you mention there, at least, not in the context of the US. I mean, how were these things EVER a thing of the past in the first place from your view? Certainly we had atoms for peace, but evolution has been controversial in states for the longest time, the issue didn't mysteriously pop up out of nowhere. Heck, we currently have less church in our schools than we have had historically as I remember talking to this one old dude and he said that they used to have bible studies in school. As well, the distrust of the supreme court doesn't seem unusual for a person in Mr. Dobson's position, really though, given that we have traditionally thought that banks were the greatest of all evils and more threatening then outside forces, I would not see how a distrust of a supreme court for supposed activism would really dissent from that kind of tradition. As well, we have snuffed political leaders across the world during the Cold War, snuffing Chavez, although not something I support, isn't something I see as unusual in our history. The issue of Congress? Well, consider Eisenhower putting "under God" into the pledge and consider McCarthy calling communism Godless as part of his campaign. Heck, G H W Bush once even remarked that atheists couldn't be considered patriots even. Really, nothing you state seems to be some incredibly new development and thus I cannot see the issue you see.