I probably should not reveal this ultimately defensive personal secret, but, you have seen how people find their hands and fingers too dry to flip through papers, pages and such, right?
What do they do?
They lick their fingers, right? Yeah, you have probably seen people do this type of thing in the past. Then when their fingers become too dry once again, completely disregarding what ever kind of filth they may have been flipping through, they LICK THEIR FUCKING FINGERS AGAIN, RIGHT!!!
Continuing to flip through whatever trash infested crap they are trying to flip through, these
unsanitary people, continue licking their fingers and continue flipping, right?
Well, as disgusting as it may seem, I do NOT use my tongue as a neverending moisture source; I use my nose.
Yup, instead of continually licking my fingers, re-ingesting all manner of mysterious poison when I am flipping through some unknown crapshite, I use my nose as a moisture source.
I just do not want to lick my thumbs after touching mounds of unknown crapshite. I may be outside natural law, but I feel that my nose is more closely relateed to an exit, while I feel that my tongue resembles more an entrance.
You will not find me licking my fingers while flipping pages, but rather wiping at the moisture from my nose to keep my fingers working as flippers.