Author Topic: Scrapheap calls out Lucifer.  (Read 11446 times)

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Offline odeon

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Re: Scrapheap calls out Lucifer.
« Reply #210 on: August 16, 2007, 09:06:58 AM »
Methinks scrap and cal should be here enforcing Dunc's Law. It's a potential rule, after all. :P

You need to post a "secrtet list of rules" first. I didn't get the key to the executive bathroom so i'm still in the dark about all these "rules".  ::)

Doubt someone's dx and the thread is automatically over. You didn't read the memo? :P
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Offline Callaway

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Re: Scrapheap calls out Lucifer.
« Reply #211 on: August 16, 2007, 09:22:05 AM »
Methinks scrap and cal should be here enforcing Dunc's Law. It's a potential rule, after all. :P

You need to post a "secrtet list of rules" first. I didn't get the key to the executive bathroom so i'm still in the dark about all these "rules".  ::)

Doubt someone's dx and the thread is automatically over. You didn't read the memo? :P

I certainly read it.  It's Godwin's Second Law, as applied to aspie boards, more commonly referred to as Dunc's Law.   :laugh:

I don't know how you missed this, Scrapheap, but here is a link for you:


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Re: Scrapheap calls out Lucifer.
« Reply #212 on: August 16, 2007, 09:51:01 AM »
Methinks scrap and cal should be here enforcing Dunc's Law. It's a potential rule, after all. :P

You need to post a "secrtet list of rules" first. I didn't get the key to the executive bathroom so i'm still in the dark about all these "rules".  ::)

Doubt someone's dx and the thread is automatically over. You didn't read the memo? :P

I certainly read it.  It's Godwin's Second Law, as applied to aspie boards, more commonly referred to as Dunc's Law.   :laugh:

I don't know how you missed this, Scrapheap, but here is a link for you:


Our illustrious Librarian strikes again! (Yes, from now on, when I say librarian as it applies to Callaway's awesomeness, I will capitalize.)

Plus for Callaway.
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Re: Scrapheap calls out Lucifer.
« Reply #213 on: August 16, 2007, 09:55:05 AM »

Our illustrious Librarian strikes again! (Yes, from now on, when I say librarian as it applies to Callaway's awesomeness, I will capitalize.)

Plus for Callaway.


I'm the Librarian!

Did you see a movie called The Librarian? 

I loved it because the Librarian was the cool guy.

Offline Walkie

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Re: Scrapheap calls out Lucifer.
« Reply #214 on: August 16, 2007, 11:29:27 AM »

I read your post in response to me. Thank you  Before I proceed I'd like to apologise to you, in particular (and others in general) for no responding drectly to you.  I'd like to. You surely deserver it, but I've just spent hour after hour  composing a couple of replies to Odeon and Bjork. , and that's probablty all I've got the  time abnd energy for (nobody ever believes me, but I'm a very, very slow writer).

On the positive side. my reply to Bjork is mostly concerned with addressing a question that loads of people have been plagueing me with, so it kills several birds with one stone, hopefully.

(umm. Well hopefull it kills no birds , as such, neither actual nor metaphorical. I like birds,. And besides, I'm vegetarian. so they'd only go to waste)

Offline Walkie

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Re: Scrapheap calls out Lucifer.
« Reply #215 on: August 16, 2007, 11:48:42 AM »
. I don't know what you're getting at, but if you mean that i mis-pelled the word somewhere, that would be because of my dyslexia or dyspraxia (depending on the type of mis-spelling) But then that's not unusual round here, is it? (And if that's what you meant , that's definitely a
cheap shot, but I'm reserving judgement)

I'm not that cheap. I don't make fun of anyone's spelling (well, Flo, but that's different). I was referring to your use of "blind loyalists". That's a cheap shot and you knew it when you wrote it.

Actually, I don’t think it was a cheap-shot.  Believe it or not, it was  an attempt at a concise description of a state of mind or behaviour pattern , not an insult.  I’ve actually known  some sensitive, intelligent, compassionate people to fallen into that behaviour pattern, temporarily  (OK, Inger for one famous examlpe. I don’t suppose you know her, but if  I don’t mention her , somebody else is bound to)

If I was actually  talking to one of those people  I’d try to choose my words carefully, so as not to offend ‘em---so long as they weren’t being aggressive that is. Quite aside from the fact  that I wasn’t applying the term the term to Bjork , just noting that she’s talking in similar fashion (I don't suppose you regard that distinction as sgnificant. But I do)  , I notice that Bjork’s got some more  insulting terms than “blind loyalty” at her disposal- and she’s used ‘em, so I didn’t see any  need to tread on eggshells to avoid offending her. And if she took offense, I don’t feel I owe her an apology.

Here are two examples:
Of Neuroman:
yes i agree hardy, there should be a callout for the guy hiding behind his mama's skirt.

To Hardon:

who said i met her you assumptious fuckhead?

And I thought she’s said something offensive about  me, too, but can’t find it, truth to tell.  Might’ve got her mixed up with Willow, or somebody. But that “mama’s skirt” remark, was definitely  a cheap shot. That’s been seriously rankling me.

Now I'll get on with replying to Bjork. Hopefully that reply will address your other questions. If it doesn't, I give up. It's my best shot, and one heckova waste of time, if it turns out that it cuts no ice with anyone.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2007, 11:52:12 AM by DrunkardsWalk »

Offline odeon

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Re: Scrapheap calls out Lucifer.
« Reply #216 on: August 16, 2007, 12:13:40 PM »
that blind loyalist thing *is* cheap. are you one?
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Offline Walkie

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Re: Scrapheap calls out Lucifer.
« Reply #217 on: August 16, 2007, 12:16:30 PM »
i dunno if i want to read them. i don't feel it's my right if she didn't want them to be seen.

It's a very accurate insite into Lucifer's true character. She's not what she appears to be. You only see an image of Lucifer that she wants you to see.

i've seen Lucifer be kind and sweet and i have seen you be an peaguy so who do i trust on this issue? ::)

Ummm…you’re being somewhat naïve here, Bjork.   People with NPD (and other manipulative disorders) will be ingratiatingly nice to people, so long as it serves their purposes. They’re very good at inspiring  blind loyealty in people, and they often have “friends” who point blank  refuse to listen to the POV of their “enemies”  or to weigh up the evidence for themselves., before launching themselves into an an all-out assault against said enemies.

(Yep, like Hardon, I’ve encounterered  ‘em before,  both IRL and on-line. In one case, the guy in question pre-emptively accused me. and another person of “spreading lies” about him, just because we knew a thing or two about him, which he feared becoming public knowledge   Nobody had any idea what these “lies” were, ‘cause we hadn’t actually spread them about, but that didn’t stop his friends laying into us on his say-so. He’d been sweet as pie  to them, so they trusted him)

I’m not saying that Lucifer has NPD (If I’m gonna throw my two cents in, I’d say   it  looks more like APD or good-old-fashioned psycopathy to me.) All I’m saying is , if you’re trying to tell us that Lucifer doesn’t have NPD, nor any of those other personality disorders, then  you’re shooting yourself in the foot.

i'm not naive. i'm not blind. i see very clearly thank you. i just got new glasses.

i haven't seen Lucifer do anything wrong so why should i think she had when there's no proof? that's not naive, that's being fair.

i like Lucifer and if she has NPD, ok then. it's not my place to judge her for her acronyms. i have quite a few myself. what happened between her and neuroman is their business and frankly what you are doing is called butting in. what i am doing is called defending a friend. maybe you think that's what you're doing but really you're just attacking my friend.

i haven't assaulted anyone, you're the one who has. Pyraxis attacked Luficer. Lucifer's friends have attacked noone, neither Lucifer herself.

i can listen to Neuroman's POV if he cares to show up. but i will not be 100% certain anything quoted online is true because it can be changed. it has happened to a friend of mine, her journal was modified so that it sounded like she had written it, only parts were changed to make her look bad. so i don't trust quotes, to trust them, if anything, would be blindness and naivety, imo.

plus i have ADD so i can't be assed reading all this crap just to see what the hell this hooplah is about. if you want to give me actual proof i'll accept it, i'll read it. until then i don't give a crap. it's Pyraxis and her minions who are attacking Lucifer and i'm just here to say fuck off.

See my reply to Odeon above.

I think you are being naïve, if you think that somebody who’s very kind to a selected few must therefore  be a “kjind wonderful person” all round, who would never do anything unkind. They might be , but then again they might not be. That said, I don’t mean to suggest that you’re being naïve in standing up for your friend. (Don’t we all stand up for our friends? ) , just that the argument you put forward  is naïve; .and we’d have to be naïve to buy it.

Also I think that  that it’s dangerously naïve to trust someone so much that you refuse to even consider any alternative POV I surely wouldn’t trust my friends to be always above reproach , cause they all look like human beings to me. I hope I’dllalways be willing to give any complaints about ‘em a fair hearing  (Besides,, I feel I’m  be better equipped to defend ‘em, when  do. That’s reason enough in itself)

That said I’m not sure it’s fair to accuse you of  that degree “blind loyalty” (you did put forward another reason for refusing to look at those logs after all) but I stand by my observation that you’re coming across that way, and thus  undermining your credibilty. For anyone who’s tangled with a Narcisstist before, your argumen twould tend ring warning bells, rather than reassure. That’s a fact. You can argue that those bells ring a false warning, but they would definitely ring.

I tried to explain to you exactly why those warning bells would ring, and I chose an example that couldn’t be mistaken for an allegation against  Lucifer (There are some obvious differences as callaway noted) , in the hope that you wouldn’t take it personally, but look at it objectvely, and take my point. I think it’s a point worth making.

You did take it personally.. Oh well. I can let that go,, And maybe it’s my fault or not being clear enopugh, but I’m not apologising. Like I said to Odeaon, I’ve been a damned sight more careful not to give offenser to Lucifer’s friends, than they’ve been with my friends, and I’m not prepared to go any further in that direction than I already do. I don’t see any good in going further

I mean, I’m actually saying what I mean, but I wonder if I’m putting it too politely, already? Maybe I ought to be pouring forth a stream of intentional insults, to save people you  trouble of hunting through my words to find ‘em? Then you’d maybe be convinced that I don’t have a hidden agenda, and we could  have some sort of realistic dialogue?

I seriously do wonder about that  .One thing that attracts me to this no-hold-barred arena, is that people are free to say what they mean., and I see a lot a value in that. But where’s the good in being free to say what you mean, if nobidy believes that you’re doing precisely   that? And if it takes an essay to explain yourself half-way sufficiently. And people don’t like essays.

(oh, and btw, I don’t intend  term “naïve” as an insult. I think I’m often absurdly  naïve , myself, in some ways. Thaty’s a  perennial hazzard of havng AS. But do feel free take it as an insult if that makes you feel more comfortable, just don’t call  me to task on it.  I’m not up to explaining myself, at this kind of length repeatedly. There are not enough hours in the day.   )

You say:  â€œLucifer’s friends have attacked noone, neither Lucifer herself”

That’s debatable..

*sigh *

OK, then (let’s try, once again to explain what I’m doing here. Then you can ask me once again what my real agenda is. And McJ can kick my butt again for trying to involve him in an heinous conspiracy, and so forth. )

But let's split this into two, at least . That might be slightly easier on the eyes, and it will be a chance to take a little break, before slogging through it again, trying to correct all my typos  (continued on my next post)
« Last Edit: August 16, 2007, 12:19:33 PM by DrunkardsWalk »

Offline SovaNu

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Re: Scrapheap calls out Lucifer.
« Reply #218 on: August 16, 2007, 01:39:37 PM »

Our illustrious Librarian strikes again! (Yes, from now on, when I say librarian as it applies to Callaway's awesomeness, I will capitalize.)

Plus for Callaway.


I'm the Librarian!

Did you see a movie called The Librarian? 

I loved it because the Librarian was the cool guy.

i love it! The Liberrian: The Quest For The Spear is the best.
"I think everybody has an asshole component to their personality. It's just a matter of how much you indulge it. Those who do it often form a habit. So like any addiction, you have to learn to overcome it."
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"Sometimes stepping on one's own dick is a memorable learning experience."

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Re: Scrapheap calls out Lucifer.
« Reply #219 on: August 16, 2007, 01:52:53 PM »

Here are two examples:
Of Neuroman:
yes i agree hardy, there should be a callout for the guy hiding behind his mama's skirt.

To Hardon:

who said i met her you assumptious fuckhead?

this is Intensity. it's not uncommon to call people fuckheads. if you piss me off i might call you names. i have a temper.

and also you can see from the above quotes that i can agree with people somewhere and think they are a fuckhead somewhere else. depends on what they say. i can also disagree with people who i like and consider a friend, like Lucifer. we don't see eye to eye on everything and that's fine. i'm not blindly loyal to anyone. i can be quite objective.

i take offense to you calling me a fucking moron, which is what you called me when you called me blindly loyal. it's the equivalent. it's not how you word it, it's the meaning. i can read between the lines. and i take offense when called something i certainly am not and i take pride in not being it. when i am loyal to someone i do it with my eyes open. and i will tell you to fuck off if you try to claim otherwise.

but i don't recall asking you for an apology.
"I think everybody has an asshole component to their personality. It's just a matter of how much you indulge it. Those who do it often form a habit. So like any addiction, you have to learn to overcome it."
~Lord Phlexor

"Sometimes stepping on one's own dick is a memorable learning experience."

"We are all the sum of our tears. Too little and the ground is not fertile and nothing can grow there; too much, the best of us is washed away."


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Re: Scrapheap calls out Lucifer.
« Reply #220 on: August 16, 2007, 02:22:58 PM »

Could you be even less fucking cryptic?


Don't fuck with me, or I will destroy you, as I have done with McJ, Eamonn, Danlo, and a few other people here.

Didn't you get enough last time you came for me?

I used the adverb correctly, so fuck off.

Yes, but ambiguously. In such a way that it could be interpreted
as I did. Perhaps you should try and express yourself more clearly,
if you want to support someone, instead of merely bemuse them
with your wit in crypticisms.

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Re: Scrapheap calls out Lucifer.
« Reply #221 on: August 16, 2007, 02:24:02 PM »
Methinks scrap and cal should be here enforcing Dunc's Law. It's a potential rule, after all. :P

Don't mistake the FUN of setting down useless rules
with the actuality of enforcing them. I make a horrible

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Re: Scrapheap calls out Lucifer.
« Reply #222 on: August 16, 2007, 02:25:11 PM »

See my reply to Odeon above.

I think you are being naïve, if you think that somebody who’s very kind to a selected few must therefore  be a “kjind wonderful person” all round, who would never do anything unkind. They might be , but then again they might not be. That said, I don’t mean to suggest that you’re being naïve in standing up for your friend. (Don’t we all stand up for our friends? ) , just that the argument you put forward  is naïve; .and we’d have to be naïve to buy it.

you misunderstood me. i never said Lucifer is someone who wouldn't do anything unkind. what i said was that it wasn't my business what she has done to neuroman because those PMs were private. she has been nice to me, that's all i know, and that's all i care about because i have no proof of anything else and i am not her fucking judge. i am not naive. i am just being fair to the best of my abilities.

i decide who i'm friends with and you can judge me by the company i keep but don't call me naive. i know what i'm doing. if i decide to be friends with a known murderer for example you can judge me for it all you like but don't assume i'm being manipulated into it. don't you dare.

Also I think that  that it’s dangerously naïve to trust someone so much that you refuse to even consider any alternative POV I surely wouldn’t trust my friends to be always above reproach , cause they all look like human beings to me. I hope I’dllalways be willing to give any complaints about ‘em a fair hearing  (Besides,, I feel I’m  be better equipped to defend ‘em, when  do. That’s reason enough in itself)

again, i might consider and read any real proof you can provide me. i said that already. it's not that i don't consider the other POV, it's that i don't trust it because the person who is bringing it to my attention betrayed Lucifer's trust in the first place and attacked *her*. i don't see Pyraxis as trustworthy so i don't trust her so called evidence. again, not naive.

That said I’m not sure it’s fair to accuse you of  that degree “blind loyalty” (you did put forward another reason for refusing to look at those logs after all) but I stand by my observation that you’re coming across that way, and thus  undermining your credibilty. For anyone who’s tangled with a Narcisstist before, your argumen twould tend ring warning bells, rather than reassure. That’s a fact. You can argue that those bells ring a false warning, but they would definitely ring.

again, i don't care what bells ring. if she has NPD it's none of my business. i can accept that she might. that's fine in my book.

and if i come across some way other than what i intended it's because you don't understand what i am saying.

I tried to explain to you exactly why those warning bells would ring, and I chose an example that couldn’t be mistaken for an allegation against  Lucifer (There are some obvious differences as callaway noted) , in the hope that you wouldn’t take it personally, but look at it objectvely, and take my point. I think it’s a point worth making.

and what was that again?

You did take it personally.. Oh well. I can let that go,, And maybe it’s my fault or not being clear enopugh, but I’m not apologising. Like I said to Odeaon, I’ve been a damned sight more careful not to give offenser to Lucifer’s friends, than they’ve been with my friends, and I’m not prepared to go any further in that direction than I already do. I don’t see any good in going further

again, i'm not asking for an apology. i don't get my panties in a twist over this shit that badly. i couldn't give a smaller shit if you never apologise to me. you don't owe me that anymore than i owe you one.

I mean, I’m actually saying what I mean, but I wonder if I’m putting it too politely, already? Maybe I ought to be pouring forth a stream of intentional insults, to save people you  trouble of hunting through my words to find ‘em? Then you’d maybe be convinced that I don’t have a hidden agenda, and we could  have some sort of realistic dialogue?

i'm not convinced you have any real agenda. you probably believe in what you are doing just as i do in what i am doing.

I seriously do wonder about that  .One thing that attracts me to this no-hold-barred arena, is that people are free to say what they mean., and I see a lot a value in that. But where’s the good in being free to say what you mean, if nobidy believes that you’re doing precisely   that? And if it takes an essay to explain yourself half-way sufficiently. And people don’t like essays.

i see a lot of value in honesty and freedom. did i say you were lying or being dishonest? my memory is shot so i can't always remember what i've said. but right now i don't think you are being deceitful.

(oh, and btw, I don’t intend  term “naïve” as an insult. I think I’m often absurdly  naïve , myself, in some ways. Thaty’s a  perennial hazzard of havng AS. But do feel free take it as an insult if that makes you feel more comfortable, just don’t call  me to task on it.  I’m not up to explaining myself, at this kind of length repeatedly. There are not enough hours in the day.

naive and child-like are different things. aspies are often child-like. that i don't take as an insult. but naive i do. if you want to talk semantics, maybe we mean different things by it. i take it as someone who is not with their eyes open, who is easily manipulated, who is not experienced and mature and who doesn't know what they are doing, someone who is as you call it, blindly something. in this case i don't think i am. so i take offense. i have my fucking eyes open. i am not being manipulated. my whole life i've suffered from being hyperaware of what i do and what others do and how things affect things, i overthink things, i over analyse things, it's not always so much fun, i don't regret being that way but i have had my ups and downs and i did not go through all that shit to be called fucking naive. got it? cuz that's something i am FUCKING NOT. i take GIGANTIC FUCKING OFFENSE. just fyi.

You say:  “Lucifer’s friends have attacked noone, neither Lucifer herself”

That’s debatable..

yes it is but there's no proof. only person who's been visibly attacked is Lucifer, her private writings were published.

*sigh *

OK, then (let’s try, once again to explain what I’m doing here. Then you can ask me once again what my real agenda is. And McJ can kick my butt again for trying to involve him in an heinous conspiracy, and so forth. )

But let's split this into two, at least . That might be slightly easier on the eyes, and it will be a chance to take a little break, before slogging through it again, trying to correct all my typos  (continued on my next post)

oh no there's another one coming?
"I think everybody has an asshole component to their personality. It's just a matter of how much you indulge it. Those who do it often form a habit. So like any addiction, you have to learn to overcome it."
~Lord Phlexor

"Sometimes stepping on one's own dick is a memorable learning experience."

"We are all the sum of our tears. Too little and the ground is not fertile and nothing can grow there; too much, the best of us is washed away."


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Re: Scrapheap calls out Lucifer.
« Reply #223 on: August 16, 2007, 02:25:47 PM »

Did you see a movie called The Librarian? 

Was that the one with John Belushi as Connan?

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Re: Scrapheap calls out Lucifer.
« Reply #224 on: August 16, 2007, 02:32:49 PM »

Did you see a movie called The Librarian? 

Was that the one with John Belushi as Connan?

No, this one had Noah Wyle as Flynn Carsen, The Librarian.

There were two of them.  One was The Librarian: Quest for the Spear and the other one was The Librarian: Return to King Solomon's Mines.