PM's are so easy to read, especially as an admin. A few years ago Amber got very aggressive pm's from 2 individuals. One was harmless (TheASman) the other was very bizarre, (lonleyguy88). I deleted both pm's. When I brought this to Alex's attention, I mentioned that I had deleted the posts. He was able to retrieve them, read them and the rest is history. As an admin. on the Island, there is a section of the admin. forum that allows me to read pm's. I must confess to a very strong temptation to read whats there, not to be a prick, but, because my curiosity is very great about past problems on the Island. A temptation so far I have resisted. Alex strikes me as a pretty slippery character in the realm of ethics. He's young, arrogant and could easily justify to himself about reading the pm's of other people.
If alex says he can't read pm's.........he is so full of shit, that his eyes are brown!
To be honest, I read two pm's on the island, because there was a very big flame war brewing, a member got banned and I was afraid that I was going to have to do the banning. The pm's were between a member and the original admin. This was after I found myself "appointed" admin on AI........a position I was put in without being asked.

But, my point is, as much as I hated reading other people's private messages, I justified to myself that I was doing the "right thing" to cover my ass. I was greatly relieved to find that I wasn't going to have to do anything.
But, pm's are not really private, so act accordingly before you send one. Thats is why I block the ability to pm me from certain people. If people have a problem with me, I'd rather they ask me about it publicly, rather then backstage. I got screwed with that on the neurolands as a mod. on the banning of "hiro". Something I will never allow to happen again.