Dude, what the fuck, my friends are being fuckn mean to my bitch just because of her AS. I am cool shit because I don't let anything bother me. I have been carrying around a fanny pack, so these people I just met said that was gay and I needed to cut my nails. My nails are not that long, but they are hard and cut people easy. All because of that, someone said they could see me a mile away. Socially neive, and my response was good that is what I want people to think then I can stab them in the back if I need to. That shut him up. That why I am the shits! Strangers talk to me for christ sakes, its like I have a people magnatism. Some guy was talking to me while I waited on a job application of landscaping and his life and I did not know him. I am just a nice guy, not judgmental fucker because of a disablity. I don't know why exactly people have to be so mean, they even cut me off crossing the street, and they neglect to notice I am waiting to use the computer even though I was there first. My friends pollute and shit to, jesus fuckn christ, why can't everyone get their act together? My fuckn other friend, who I have not seen for a long time, went to military for awhile so he should be tough shit? Wrong, he is hungry and he is too lazy to walk to cumbies. God fuckn damn, it fuckn irkes me. Its because my fuckn mother is sigmatizing with me with AS bullshit, when I am way cooler than her. I have more friends and shit, and I am nice even if I am not in the mood. She is fuckn lazy to, but I can say she does throw money over my way and when needed she is there. I don't get how she could have guys on her, she does not look so hot to me besides me being her sun. I try to be extra nice because disablities make it tough, I understand, especially when I am in a good mood and my eyes start watering over simple things. Maybe these people are not in the mood like me, well good then I am glad I am here to keep an eye on things.
God fuckn damn, I want to have a fuckn party and have everyone over.
I wish I owned a pull and a cool millon. I would have no problem inviting all intensity members for a fuckn swim, and I will be my normal nice self, not like on here