Time for me to dance, wanna join me Bjork?
I mean I have a mistake to correct also. Its about those girls by the pool, and I am sorry it ticked my relatives off by me posting it. I can deal with anything thrown at me, if its within my capacity, and I was going to help them if they got ticked off. I am going to explain this as concrete as possible for the aspie community and for people who don't know the material like I do. I am not a self absorbed prick ass either, like someone said. I get rather upset for people if I am in a good mood prior, which is usually not far away if I am the opposite. I was thinking about it this morning, what I posted, and it seems my issue with COMPLEX POST TRUAMATIC STRESS DISORDER got in the way. I did not want have sex with children, as some people got might have got from that, infact because my truama issue, I grew psychotic for a few. Those things don't last that long, and would explain what you people on here see as socially neive. Sometimes I ignore things also, same reason, and it looks like I did not pick up the cues. I was dealing with my truama issue before I got there, and it seem to have run through to that day at the pool. People made fun of me alot, so much so, I get nutty at times. It has gotten better and seems to be going away. As an issue occurs, I analize, and ounce I notice what happened my awarness rises. I actually learn from my mistakes and it happens less. When I am triggered, there is a set of responses call the flight or flight response, and then some of my cognitive fuctions decline. For a short time I am oblivious, but I generally recognize and learn so it happens less and less. My body is prepaired to fight only because my brain thinks I am going to die. That makes me psychotic for a short time, so I tend to think in ways like they want my body.... Its trouble, I don't want. People are trusted less and even a simple thing like children and drive me nuts. Its realtively simple because my body is ready to fight mostly and so I tend to do stupider things. I certainly would not attack children, and I usually don't attack people. I act with some stupidity for the above reason, when I am normally not. Fighting is wrong, especially with children, that is why you frequently see the obliviousness and not the other thing. I am partly aware during those times, but not enough. These days more the opposite is true, infact, I did tell my mom and she said girls will be girls. I also was going to change the subject, suggesting again I am coming around from that problem. For what ever reason she said she never herd me. Perhaps her stress level with her mom dying made her oblivious also. She should not stigmatize me then, or theaten me when I try to help her. I can cope so can you. I am very sensitive, but I cope so well that you would think the opposite. Girls that age see things, unless they are sheltered completely, but they are too young mentally to know what to do. I read like maybe 5 percent of Fine Chocolate's post, because I don't need to be told, I am dealing better and better all the time.