What's the most erotic thing you've done,
with a member of your own gender?
This question was asked earlier in my ask away thread. As for details, no, I won't be posting them....there are porn sites for those things.
Titty fuck much?
FFS, let me guess....Peaguy? That's a pretty boring question. Hardly worth answering. I'm sure you can do better than that.
Wondering if evrything is ok, Eclair.
Thanks for asking Renaeden. Glad to see you around and hope all is well.
I just got immensely bored with the site and have been busy and not interested in contributing much.
Why do you mane yourself king of the jungle when you live in the savanna?
That's Peaguy who started this thread, not Eclair.
Callaway, ever patient and helpful.
Are you still about?
See the above Parts. I've still been floating on every week or so, but just haven't seen any posts that have inspired me to stay logged on for long. It may not be the site, it may be just me, I'm not around enough to know.
Yes, and before anyone starts up about 'well why don't you post anything exciting'.....maybe I should have frequented the porn thread more for some stimulating conversation....don't know.