How old were when you got your first boyfriend?
Depends how you define the word boyfriend. When I was 5 and a boy from school used to hold my hand and walk me home from school...and showed up at my house with flowers on my birthday. Does that count?
From about 15 I had two week boyfriends about once or twice a year. Then I grew out of that.
Ur lucky. I never had a boyfriend in my childhood. I didn't get one till I was 20. I've had two so far now. I think I am heading for my next one and he seems to have AS too. Has all the symptoms and we keep hanging out. We're just friends.
Boyfriend is having a relationship with a boy. If you know what I mean by that. Having a friend who is a boy isn't a boyfriend.
Maybe I'm lucky, but after two weeks, I'd get weirded out. I could only deal with kissing a boy then, that's it.
You mentioned your ex had a loss in his family. Do you still hang out with him?
Not really. But he is a good person.