This feels like a ghost town. The only visitors we get are bots from different angles of the globe.Are the bots sentient? No one knows...
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Quote from: PMS Elle on April 19, 2007, 07:16:46 PMQuote from: McJagger on April 19, 2007, 06:49:42 PMask dunc. he might think it's thin.anyways, i was trying to get you to talk about your breasts.Are you raising funds for the IBTC?have you applied for relief funds?
Quote from: McJagger on April 19, 2007, 06:49:42 PMask dunc. he might think it's thin.anyways, i was trying to get you to talk about your breasts.Are you raising funds for the IBTC?
ask dunc. he might think it's thin.anyways, i was trying to get you to talk about your breasts.
it is well known that PMS Elle is evil.
I think you'd fit in a 12" or at least a 16" firework mortar
You win this thread because that's most unsettling to even think about.
This is so not going to last.
Quote from: Pyraxis on April 20, 2007, 12:48:39 AMThis is so not going to last. what, exactly, do you mean?
Hannah 04-19-2007 04:04 AMEveryone's a Fucking Pro What can I articulate, that I haven’t already spoken before? As a person with Asperser’s Syndrome I’ve been singled out and targeted. Labeled many things, from ‘crazed psycho’ to ‘asshole.’ I tried to make friends while in college, and all I got were summonsing to the dean of women’s office for the millionth time to explain what I’d done. Most of the time I was disorientated, didn’t know what the hell was going on. In an attempt to try and get others to understand I would write correspondences in blood and leave them laying around for others to examine. What I didn’t realize was this was just pushing people further away from me. I now know this. There’s a senselessness that goes along with AS. Lately, there have been many news stories about Aspies who’ve murdered people because they ‘cracked’ somehow. With me, the fury, and rage has always been directed at myself. Re: the Binge Eating Disorder and Self-Injury. My family and I are moving by the end of this coming summer. I’m terrified because my mother wants me to go to the ‘SAFE’ alternatives program for people who SI. Its a well founded program, and has some wonderful things to offer, I’m just not equipped to go there yet. She is ‘nauseous’ from all of the ‘blood I leave on my clothes’ and ‘wants me to discontinue this eradicate behavior.’ I feel like crap most of the time because of the many diseases I endure. It seems the origin of all this, is my desire to fit in socially, in desperation I take up disparaging behaviors to try and ‘perfect’ myself and ‘install myself’ into that ‘cast.’ I try to fit rectangles into sphere fissures, only to disillusion myself into believing that I could ever ‘fit in.’ So I’ve adopted many an awful tendencies, in a feeble effort to assimilate only to fall short every time. I’m repentant of all the abnormal ways I’ve tried hard to become whatever you are, and paying the cost in the end. I’m a soul just like you, I may relate in a different way, but I’m still human. I connect with music, for it is my resuscitating miracle. I come to you with my voice and beseech you to pay attention, verily I say unto you, 'They hated me without reason.' John 15:25JacksonAlbracht 04-19-2007 05:30 AMAnd they've all got answers from trouble they've known.blunderful 04-19-2007 07:51 AMyou need professional help. all we can offer here is sympathy. it is not going to help you in the long run. get help before you get any worse. you should at least TRY it. go to the "SAFE" alternatives program. i'm aware that its not easy for a self-destructive person to seek help, but i'm going to remind you that you really need it. i'm sure you knew that already. i'm just trying to convince you to gorecordrunning 04-19-2007 08:00 AMHow old are you, Hannah? I'm just curious...Jacobus 04-19-2007 08:14 AMHannah, don't you have a thread for this type of post already? You seem to have made a genuine attempt this time round, don't screw it up.sombre winds 04-19-2007 08:17 AMHannah, as others have said- you need help. The SAFE program may be a way to go. What you're dealing with is more than Aspergers. There are others here who are struggling with that and who appear to be managing in ways you aren't at this point.Lyly 04-19-2007 09:48 AMdon't say no to the safe proram .. take the chanceCool As Ice Cream 04-19-2007 10:37 AMhannah, how do you feel about your s.i.?do you find that it is problematic or do you feel that it is in fact not really harmful and that other people are pushing their opinion onto you?Hannah 04-19-2007 10:45 AMQuote:Originally Posted by recordrunning (Post 2300812) How old are you, Hannah? I'm just curious...23...Hannah 04-19-2007 10:46 AMQuote:Originally Posted by Cool As Ice Cream (Post 2300892) hannah, how do you feel about your s.i.?do you find that it is problematic or do you feel that it is in fact not really harmful and that other people are pushing their opinion onto you?The latter and not the former...:darn:mikey relty 04-19-2007 12:23 PMthey wont listen to you because you are just the same as the rest of us. dont throw everything away. there is happiness in the world for you.listen to your mother. she loves you .and stop asking for sympathy. its not the same as being liked. sympathy and disdain go hand in hand.and i know a lot more about the kind of shit you are going though than you might think.CanopuS 04-19-2007 05:14 PMI'd take the opportunity. I know it's more than tempting to not take it but at least try the program. Are you bound into it once you join? I don't know much about it so I'd be interested to hear what commitments you have to make if that is what is worrying you.I know it's not the same but I'm finally going to counselling after a year of my dad insisting I did so. Up to now I've "never had time" or "didn't need it" but I think I may as well try it...Junk Bond Sam 04-19-2007 05:25 PMI'm not sure how i'm supposed to respond.. Hannah what exactly are you asking? What was your motive for making this thread? Do you want responses or are you just sharing your thoughts with us?jamie lee 04-19-2007 05:29 PMQuote:Originally Posted by Junk Bond Sam (Post 2301458) I'm not sure how i'm supposed to respond.. Hannah what exactly are you asking? What was your motive for making this thread? Do you want responses or are you just sharing your thoughts with us?sounds to me like hannah is frustrated and is venting her feelings (it's unclear to whom)...CombatWombat 04-19-2007 06:03 PMHannah, do you think you need help? If so, what kind of help do you think you need?heartpath 04-19-2007 06:15 PMQuote:Originally Posted by jamie lee (Post 2301461) sounds to me like hannah is frustrated and is venting her feelings (it's unclear to whom)...Well I can thank hannah, because I just 'met' her yesterday(thanks to her 'stfu' message). But by reading this(and a few heads up from you guys) it makes me thankful that I won't be the most fucked up person on the board, because you already have hannah.(I guess never say never, but it's unlikely) This not an insult, though I can say I'm not really digging her style, but we all gotta be thankful that there is someone willing to be the bad-guy(I've been the bad-guy before, so I know how it feels, and it sucks) but hannah does not have to be here, in a way it's a blessing that she chooses to be the pariah of the board, at least I know that job is already taken. I'm not laughing at anyone, just observing the situation here:sick:Oh, and I am very sorry for you hannah, I hope you feel better soon. snowballinhell 04-19-2007 06:17 PMhannah.. i've heard good things about the s.a.f.e. program..and as someone else who's dealt alot with si i've tried to befriend you and be a support person if you need me.. at your forum for example..also there are really good forums where everyone understands the si like:safe haven (the best) smiles screams the rabbithole've gone to all of these long enough to find friends in each forum who have been very helpful to me in my life..take care,ghostmikey relty 04-19-2007 06:32 PMevery thing hannah needs to learn would sound like an insult if i told her, and she wouldnt learn it. hannah is not ready. im leaving hannah alone.i used to s.ibut then i got into eating biscuits instead.snowballinhell 04-19-2007 06:40 PMQuote:Originally Posted by mikey relty (Post 2301537) every thing hannah needs to learn would sound like an insult if i told her, and she wouldnt learn it. hannah is not ready. im leaving hannah alone.i used to s.ibut then i got into eating biscuits instead.oh dear. not the biscuits?zen_arcade 04-19-2007 06:42 PMWhat can I articulate, that I haven’t already spoken before? As a person with Asperser’s Syndrome I’ve been singled out and targeted. Labeled many things, from ‘crazed psycho’ to ‘asshole.’I fear this whole post and a lot of similar posts you've been making lately have been out of line and are totally inappropriate for this board. I might go so far as to say they're self-pitying too. We all have our problems, Hannah, some of us obviously much worse than others, but it's utterly beside the point. An Elliott Smith fan message board is not the place to constantly engage strangers with what I imagine are very real personal problems you might be having; it's generally a place for Elliott Smith fans to talk about things somewhat related to Elliott Smith or at least similar music and culture -- I wish there was an off topic board sometimes where people can talk about things like their favorite episode of Scrubs or their new job but there unfortunately isn't. There are, however, plenty of places online where support can be gained from people in similar positions who have been rehabilitated or qualified professionals who are actually capable of offering constructive help for you in these matters. snowballinhell has listed some very good resources for you to check out and I hope you do.Junk Bond Sam 04-19-2007 06:51 PMQuote:Originally Posted by zen_arcade (Post 2301551) What can I articulate, that I haven’t already spoken before? As a person with Asperser’s Syndrome I’ve been singled out and targeted. Labeled many things, from ‘crazed psycho’ to ‘asshole.’I fear this whole post and a lot of similar posts you've been making lately have been out of line and are totally inappropriate for this board. I might go so far as to say they're self-pitying too. We all have our problems, Hannah, some of us obviously much worse than others, but it's utterly beside the point. An Elliott Smith fan message board is not the place to constantly engage strangers with what I imagine are very real personal problems you might be having; it's generally a place for Elliott Smith fans to talk about things somewhat related to Elliott Smith or at least similar music and culture -- I wish there was an off topic board sometimes where people can talk about things like their favorite episode of Scrubs or their new job but there unfortunately isn't. There are, however, plenty of places online where support can be gained from people in similar positions who have been rehabilitated or qualified professionals who are actually capable of offering constructive help for you in these matters. snowballinhell has listed some very good resources for you to check out and I hope you do.:yes:I think a thread like this is only going to isolate you more. That's why I asked what your exact intentions were for making a thread like this because I cant imagine many of us could be very helpful in dealing with serious mental conditions.. How are we supposed to respond to a thread like this? Would you like sympathy, support, cyber hugs? Empathy? Or do you want us just to show you a little attention?lisa 04-20-2007 01:38 AMattention. threads like this were a big reason she was banned last time.kylmcg 04-20-2007 04:14 AMAnd I thought things were finally settling down with her. Was I the one that cracked her?Hannah 04-20-2007 05:01 AMQuote:Originally Posted by lisa (Post 2302005) attention. threads like this were a big reason she was banned last time.Lisa, I don’t comprehend how you can be so naive when it comes to Asperser’s...This post wasn’t in an effort to seek ‘attention’ as you so fluently put it...Its just a post containing my inmost thoughts, others make posts with less exertion then it took you to come up with that half-assed answer...You’re amateurish tone is enough to make me want to holler...I put myself out there on a limb and am trampled under foot for it...its people like you that only give sorrow, you can’t grasp what its like to be in my shoes...I have made an effort to reach out, contribute to the forum et el...Others post there music, thoughts, believes, and aren’t flamed for it...its a double standard...because I’m socially incompetent, people misappropriate me, and use me as the scapegoat for all things wide of the you tell me, is this ethical?...I think not...:no:TheKeenGuy 04-20-2007 05:03 AMLisa, you should listen to her. She spent sooooo long writing that.lisa 04-20-2007 05:27 AM:lol: oh patrickktothebbc 04-20-2007 06:07 AMQuote:Originally Posted by Hannah (Post 2302112) Lisa, I don’t comprehend how you can be so naive when it comes to Asperser’s...No offense, but I don't comprehend how you can say that to Lisa and then spell the name of the condition wrong in the same sentence.lisa 04-20-2007 06:32 AMi particularly enjoyed the part about sharing her 'inmost' thoughts with us. i stopped reading at that point, because my naivety prevented me from understanding her eloquent writing.Junk Bond Sam 04-20-2007 07:17 AMDont we have a random thoughts thread for our "inmost" thought?Hannah you still havent answered me... How would you like us to respond to your thread?recordrunning 04-20-2007 07:20 AMI want to understand, Hannah. Really, I do. But... if you are as out of control as you say you are, then... I'm sorry... don't you feel that you may be in need of help?For example:Quote:Originally Posted by Hannah (Post 2300670) Most of the time I was disorientated, didn’t know what the hell was going on. In an attempt to try and get others to understand I would write correspondences in blood and leave them laying around for others to examine. What I didn’t realize was this was just pushing people further away from me. I now know this.If this is something that you're still coping with, I think maybe SAFE (and other programs like it) wouldn't be such a bad idea...Now, I want to be clear that I am NOT condoning the poor treatment that you may sometimes receive here. Obviously, teasing you or yelling doesn't help anything. So... I have to ask. If you are aware that people may respond to your threads in this manner, why post something like this?It isn't fair that you are placed under more scrutiny, I'll give you that... but I just... can't understand why you'd continue posting these types of things if you already know what the outcome is going to be.And if it's something you can't control, then... why not consider help?king for a day 04-20-2007 09:28 AMQuote:Originally Posted by lisa (Post 2302125) :lol: oh patrick:swoon:lisa 04-20-2007 09:31 AMQuote:Originally Posted by king for a day (Post 2302445) :swoon:yeah you better. hes the keenguy. the keenguy.king for a day 04-20-2007 09:51 AMQuote:Originally Posted by lisa (Post 2302448) yeah you better. hes the keenguy. the keenguy.I don't know him from Adam, and I don't even know Adam either.Junk Bond Sam 04-20-2007 09:54 AMKeenyguy is a sexy bitch, better recognize!All the ladies want him and the men wanna be him.Not to mention he has a sweet collection of care bear lunch boxesking for a day 04-20-2007 10:00 AMI prefer The Fall Guy. Lee Majors was THE man.lisa 04-20-2007 10:40 AMi like the new direction this thread is taking :yes:zen_arcade 04-20-2007 01:01 PMFluently?Aspersers (two times)?I prefer The New Guy. DJ Qualls is the shit.**okay, okay, not really.CanopuS 04-20-2007 01:59 PMAh well... I know I'll probably be shouted at for this but I'm not too impressed with the level of name-calling, cheap-shots and group-bullying going on (wow... three hyphenated words!)Sure if you have a problem then fine... maybe send a PM or something. You don't need to group together to take apart every grammatical or spelling error that crops up.There's obviously some history here that I'm not aware of... but I can't believe that you actually need to say anything negative in a thread that you could quite easily avoid. It's really not going to make things any better is it? Unless you want to feel like a part of a group and snigger at the outsiders. Then fair enough.Sorry.simpsonopraphic 04-20-2007 02:12 PMHoly shit, why wasn't the ban permanent? I never picked on hannah, but christ she makes this board a lot more unpleasant.pointyjess 04-20-2007 02:17 PMGroovy a fierce pen sunk.:anagram:And yes, I agree the ban should be permanent.king for a day 04-20-2007 02:37 PMQuote:Originally Posted by simpsonopraphic (Post 2302810) Holy shit, why wasn't the ban permanent? I never picked on hannah, but christ she makes this board a lot more unpleasant.Glad you're not part of the 'gang'. Personally I find the bullying antics far more unpleasant than any of Hannah's 'rantings'.It takes a lot less effort to ignore Hannah than to stir up conflict with her. If people are annoyed by Hannah, then DON'T post anything! It's really not that difficult. The result: Hannah won't feel like she's being vilified and the others won't get all stressed out. Everyone's a winner.Hey! and it's a day closer to 'New Moon'!king for a day 04-20-2007 02:40 PMQuote:Originally Posted by CanopuS (Post 2302772) Ah well... I know I'll probably be shouted at for this but I'm not too impressed with the level of name-calling, cheap-shots and group-bullying going on (wow... three hyphenated words!)Sure if you have a problem then fine... maybe send a PM or something. You don't need to group together to take apart every grammatical or spelling error that crops up.There's obviously some history here that I'm not aware of... but I can't believe that you actually need to say anything negative in a thread that you could quite easily avoid. It's really not going to make things any better is it? Unless you want to feel like a part of a group and snigger at the outsiders. Then fair enough.Sorry.EXACTLY!!!! If we picked on every single mistake that people made in this forum, then every post would consist of constant bitching about missed commas and 'i' before 'e', except after 'c' etc…ktothebbc 04-20-2007 03:06 PMQuote:Originally Posted by pointyjess (Post 2302821) Groovy a fierce pen sunk.:anagram:.Porn is a revenge fuck, yo?:lol:(Nah, I got it for real.)pointyjess 04-20-2007 03:13 PMQuote:Originally Posted by ktothebbc (Post 2302933) Porn is a revenge fuck, yo?:lol:(Nah, I got it for real.):OA sour fence given porky.king for a day 04-20-2007 03:26 PM:anagram:'iersu rofcoe pennk gvya'This is Welsh for: Porn is not a revenge fuck, it's a way of lifepointyjess 04-20-2007 03:28 PM*sings "Heal the World" around a campfire*zen_arcade 04-20-2007 03:37 PMQuote:Originally Posted by king for a day (Post 2302866) EXACTLY!!!! If we picked on every single mistake that people made in this forum, then every post would consist of constant bitching about missed commas and 'i' before 'e', except after 'c' etc…I don't think there was anything in these replies to such a bizarre thread that's been especially vicious. The spelling mention is relevant; she's constantly mentioning her syndrome and apparently doesn't know what it's actually called. :rolleyes: Boy we really need an off-topic forum so I can ignore all this shit.So yeah, how much does the new mix of "New Monkey" rule?All times are GMT. The time now is 05:15 PM. Powered by vBulletin Version 3.6.1Copyright ©2000 - 2007, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.
Quote from: McJagger on April 20, 2007, 06:59:55 AMQuote from: Pyraxis on April 20, 2007, 12:48:39 AMThis is so not going to last. what, exactly, do you mean?That, no matter how much noble gas tries to contain it, volatility will escape.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.
naah. This way i can buy cheap bras.
Quote from: PMS Elle on April 20, 2007, 05:53:13 AMnaah. This way i can buy cheap bras.Do they get cheaper as your cup size goes down ??
Quote from: Speedy McScrapheap on April 20, 2007, 01:35:29 PMQuote from: PMS Elle on April 20, 2007, 05:53:13 AMnaah. This way i can buy cheap bras.Do they get cheaper as your cup size goes down ??It depends on the exact sizes. But in general smaller cup sizes don't need as much support as larger ones, so the less supportive bras are often cheaper.
Hannah, could you give me a twenty-words-or-less on that post?
Bras are evil.
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?