Timelord is australian and I suggested to him on AI that he bring his fight with another AI member over here. He rejected the idea. I had to lock a thread there after he and another member got into a mega flame row. AI is a support forum.
I have nothing against Timelord or the other member, though I did have grounds to ban them both. I chose instead to lock the thread and let those two calm down. I have since unlocked the thread and have had no response. I prefer not to ban or suspend a member. I hear enough about such things at wp and other forums. I'll only ban as a LAST resort.
I'm the other AI member that was fighting with Timelord, and yes, he's a dick. Everything that has been said about him here I agree with.
Anyway Ozy, I really wouldn't of cared too much if you banned me over over that thread, it's not like it would have done anything as there isnt much to miss over there, so it wouldnt have served as much of a punishment. Plus I know you were giving me some slack because I'm usually not like that. Thats how much this Timelord character shits me. That combined with the ability here to speak my mind and the fact that he lives in the same State as I do, I kinda just 'let go' on him. Yes I was also playing with him and yes he has the brain of a salt shaker and perhaps I was just draging myself down to his level.
But you have to admit, he questioned my Diagnosis, and even though it didnt upset me, I did wonder why no one in an offical capacity had a go at him for it. Maybe it happened in a PM, but I would have rather it been in the thread itself, considering the rules of AI.
Anyway, the reason for me that Im no longer posting in that thread is because there is nothing more to say. I pretty much said what I needed to say, he pretty much proved he was a dick, it devolved into name calling (with him being particulary nasty to me, not that I care) and you stopped the fight, which is pretty much what you wanted to happen anyway. What more do you think that thread has for itself anyway? You comment that no one else has posted to it (which I have) but you refuse to add anything to it yourself, perhaps steer it in a more civilised direction.
Anyway I came here to shed some more light on the situation and unmask myself as the other party in this internet shit fight of little importance, oh, and timelord is a dick