
Author Topic: Just one quick bitch ...  (Read 314226 times)

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Re: Just one quick bitch ...
« Reply #15195 on: October 27, 2010, 09:53:24 PM »
I dunno how to teell my family

about being trans?

Offline Adam

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Re: Just one quick bitch ...
« Reply #15196 on: October 27, 2010, 10:21:00 PM »

I need to do it tho before i fucking shoot myself


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Re: Just one quick bitch ...
« Reply #15197 on: October 27, 2010, 10:34:14 PM »
My gut says your Mum already has a good idea. Maybe not being trans, but I highly suspects she thinks you're gay. Mum's have a sort of intuition about those things.


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Re: Just one quick bitch ...
« Reply #15198 on: October 27, 2010, 11:18:50 PM »

I need to do it tho before i fucking shoot myself

I thought they knew. Could be a shock, but when my cousin admitted he was gay, his parents had to take it on the chin. His granddad wasn't hppy, given as he didn't like 'poofters', but had to live with it as well. And that was a fair few years ago now. To me, they just seem like a couple of close mates.

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Re: Just one quick bitch ...
« Reply #15199 on: October 27, 2010, 11:22:00 PM »
No not many people IRL know


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Re: Just one quick bitch ...
« Reply #15200 on: October 27, 2010, 11:33:49 PM »
No not many people IRL know

Even though I know you're a 'he', and I always refer to you as 'she', to me there has never been an issue. You'd be a great mate, even if we met IRL.

If your parents have a problem, then they will have to sort it out. Your life is more important in the long run, and sod everyone who doesn't like it.

You give me advice which I should take more often, and I try to. It's much appreciated. Don't take any shit, Soph. You are who you are.


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Re: Just one quick bitch ...
« Reply #15201 on: October 28, 2010, 08:03:43 AM »

You give me advice which I should take more often, and I try to. It's much appreciated. Don't take any shit, Soph. You are who you are.

:agreed: (on both counts) ;)

Soph - I think you'll know when you're ready to really out yourself. You usually go through cycles where you just want it out there now and then other times, it sorts of sits on the back burner. My advice would be to do nothing until your meds are sorted out and you're thinking clearly. I never make huge decisions when I'm going through a major change in something because I want to make sure I'm feeling my best when it comes to handling the outcome. :hug:


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Re: Just one quick bitch ...
« Reply #15202 on: October 28, 2010, 08:13:03 AM »
I think he is thinking clearly. There never is a good time to come out, when one sits down and thinks about it. There always is something that makes you think "nah I'll do it later, now's not the right time". Coming out is hard as hell but feels amazing once you finally do it.

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Re: Just one quick bitch ...
« Reply #15203 on: October 28, 2010, 09:47:14 AM »
I just don't want my family to be disappointed or resent me

I know my mum love me but she will be disappointed, I know she will

If I had a sister this would be easier

I can't even top myself because my mum couldn't live with that

I know I'm sounding over the top and whiny, but I don't care

I'm so sick to death of this, it's tearing me up

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Re: Just one quick bitch ...
« Reply #15204 on: October 28, 2010, 09:57:52 AM »
I just don't want my family to be disappointed or resent me

I know my mum love me but she will be disappointed, I know she will

If I had a sister this would be easier

I can't even top myself because my mum couldn't live with that

I know I'm sounding over the top and whiny, but I don't care

I'm so sick to death of this, it's tearing me up

It is not your responsibility to be what your family expects you to be. Can you direct them to something like PFLAG to help them through their adjustment?  :chin:

EDIT: That last bit sounds ignorant, I know the issue here is not sexual orientation but gender identity.
I just don't know any names offhand of group for families of transgendered people.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2010, 10:07:15 AM by couldbecousin »
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

"We are grateful for the time we have been given."
--- Edward Walker, The Village

People forget.
--- The Who, "Eminence Front"


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Re: Just one quick bitch ...
« Reply #15205 on: October 28, 2010, 10:04:07 AM »
I think that any negative emotion that is conveyed when you out yourself changes over time. Her love for you trumps her disappointment. And it's not disappointment in you as a person. It's about the situation and wondering if you, as a parent, caused it, did something wrong etc.

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Re: Just one quick bitch ...
« Reply #15206 on: October 28, 2010, 10:51:07 AM »
Yeh you're right. I'm already such a  fuckup tho. with my AS and OCD and everything. Who the fuck would want a kid like me? I don't mean that in an emo way - I mean seariously, no one would want their kids to be like I am, and now I'm gonna dump a whole load of other shit on them, the worst shit there is. I wish I still had my old doctor. I could have talked to her about this and asked her to help me tell my mum.

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Re: Just one quick bitch ...
« Reply #15207 on: October 28, 2010, 10:54:14 AM »
Yeh you're right. I'm already such a  fuckup tho. with my AS and OCD and everything. Who the fuck would want a kid like me? I don't mean that in an emo way - I mean seariously, no one would want their kids to be like I am, and now I'm gonna dump a whole load of other shit on them, the worst shit there is. I wish I still had my old doctor. I could have talked to her about this and asked her to help me tell my mum.

I'm not maternal, but if I were, I believe I'd love a kid like you, problems and all, and I'd get used to you being my son instead of my daughter, too,
because it's your life and not for me to dictate. Would your old doctor be willing to help you in her spare time?  :chin:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

"We are grateful for the time we have been given."
--- Edward Walker, The Village

People forget.
--- The Who, "Eminence Front"


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Re: Just one quick bitch ...
« Reply #15208 on: October 28, 2010, 10:55:56 AM »
Yeh you're right. I'm already such a  fuckup tho. with my AS and OCD and everything. Who the fuck would want a kid like me? I don't mean that in an emo way - I mean seariously, no one would want their kids to be like I am, and now I'm gonna dump a whole load of other shit on them, the worst shit there is. I wish I still had my old doctor. I could have talked to her about this and asked her to help me tell my mum.

You put way more awful labels on yourself than your Mum does. Monkeyboy has ASD, OCD, ADHD, and TS, and we're on a wait list for yet another new something to add to the list, and he's one of the best things that ever happened to me. If he came to me and said he was trans, or he was gay, wouldn't change a damn thing. He's my child.

You were born the way you were. You didn't cause it or choose it. It's just a part of who you are and it changes nothing. It doesn't suddenly make you an awful child to your Mum. It's just another facet of you and she loves you beyond words. If she thought you were so awful she wouldn't do the things she does for you and fight as hard as she does for you. You need to remind yourself of that. :hug:

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Re: Just one quick bitch ...
« Reply #15209 on: October 28, 2010, 10:57:30 AM »
she probably would, but I have no idea where she is or anything. it;s ok tho - I guess I just gotta do this on my own. I need to man up  :zoinks:

thanks btw. all parents should fel like that I guess. i know my mum loves me , but I also know I'm a massive disappointment

I know it's selfish but sometimes I really envy people who can take their own lives. that's a fucked up thing to say, but it's true

anyway....  :-[


quick bitch,,,

I have to walk up loads of stairs on thursdays and I'm so unfit