The ex came home with new movies for monkeygirl and nothing for monkeyboy, then proceeded to blame it on monkeyboy faulting him for napping due to his meds. "I can't ask you what you want if you're asleep so that's why I didn't get you anything." I quickly pointed out to monkeyboy that none of this was his fault.
And he blamed me for not planning anything for fathers day. I kindly reminded him that he canceled our fathers day plans and he would not admit to that.
Is it the fall yet? 
I get so mad for monkeyboy's and your sake.
I know. It's all such a mess. I've decided that I'm going to go ahead and start attending the clinic that works with abused women. Not to start the therapy yet, because I can't do that with the ex still in the house, but to get help on how to get through the time until he moves out. Then when he's gone I'll start proper therapy.
God, couldn't he just take a punt and get the little boy a movie ffs? That's so deliberately hurtful. Children deserve to be treated equally in those cases. He's almost being 'punished' for sleeping. Good luck with your therapy. It's a long road ahead. And I don't say that to be negative, I just realise so many dysfunctional behaviours are hard not to have rubbed off on you and affected your behaviours too...I mean that in a nice way. Almost like you've been in a combat zone and will have to be reprogrammed....
Sorry if this sounds awful...I don't mean it that way...I'm just about to go to bed, so my words might not be right to sound caring. But I do feel for you and what you must have been subjected to and the emotional weapons you've had to take up just to survive, that's all.x