I'm thinking of bus terminals and such, Dawg. If you are allergic enough, someone's pet might be enough to force you to leave. Asthma attacks are no fun, especially if they can be avoided.
It was only meant for humor, Odeon.
I think I did an 
As much as I love animals and despise to be around humans, I do understand that it is the human population that has made possible all the modern things that we enjoy and a human is greater in the overall picture than an animal.
(I cringe to look upon what I just typed, but I MUST admit it to myself, even if to no one else, ever.)
If I encountered a human and a dog, both about to be destroyed by a speeding bus and I could only save one of them, I would choose the human. I know that I would, even though it is not a logical choice. Saving the dog, you would have a friend for life and saving the human you will probably be sued.

I love dogs and they all seem to love me. I understand them and I'd love to have one again (I used to have them as a kid), but I can't, these days, because of my asthma. It's a pain. 
Thanks for the "love," but I feel so hurt. It seems that my being a continent and a half or so away is OK for you. Well, it is NOT for me.
I am probably allergic to you, too, so
THERE!*walks in a series of diminishing-radius circles, sits down and licks balls*