I love my nephew but it really gets tiring when he asks questions for the sake of asking guestions to get attention
Like he'll come up to me and say "Why is their a cup on the table? ahghghghg! it's kind of funny though when you think about it though.
my brother and nephew are staying here for a few days cause their moving and also because of the issues we are having right now.
My daughter does stuff like that too.
If you don't mind answering a few such questions, you can limit them to maybe three in a row, for example, counting them down as you answer them, then the "answer desk" can be closed for a specific period of time. Since you know he's seeking attention, if there is a way you would prefer that he seek attention, you can suggest that activity instead. For example, if he asks why the cup is on the table, you can briefly answer, "I don't know," then ask him if he would like to go play catch or read a story with you. Offering choices seems to work well for a lot of kids.
My daughter refuses to take "I don't know" for an answer, though.