It's no cool stuff for a kid in a Swedish church. It's Lutheran and naked.
The church our kids go to is pretty secular and worldy, but not a Sunday fashion show. It is not bad at all. They have a rock band and a jazz band - NO choir. They have three gymnasiums for different age groups' sports programs. They also have an enormous help ministry that collects goods for free distribution to the needy. I see no harm in helping people, honestly. They take in whole families who are displaced from their homes due to tragedy or economic situations, women who have been abused (I know - you would not know anything about that, but some of us do) and even animals.
It is a community effort and there are not that many losers. I can not be a part of it any longer, because one of the things that sets me apart at work is that I am able to be there early and often.
No, this is NOT confession time for me. I have always been interested in helping those who need help. There are many avenues. A decent church is just one more way.
So long as they aren't using their "help" as a platform to promote their ideals.
Umm, even if they are, I'd still say it doesn't necessarily diminish the good, depending on how you define 'platform.' If I was homeless I'd be willing to listen to someone trying to convert me to their faith every so often if they gave me a place to stay (and it makes me crazy when people do that). Most things do come with a price, even 'charity.'
I would hardly be gullible enough, after all my personal failures, to involve myself with an institution that was not mostly healthful to the community at large.
I don't really give a fuck about what they need to do to be legal in this economic climate, because what is at the heart of the plan helps the ones who need to be helped. They MUST be left to do as they must. Maintaining a fantastic building and avoiding ridiculous, impossible taxes on the property is a part of the mission. They succeed partly by inviting the community to a Sunday service which, by preaching about God, they are able to keep things going.
Honestly, I have posted about this private involvement of mine in PMs to several members (and I applaud the intelligence and tolerance of those included, in every case) and I can only say that I "recieve" more out of helping others than I give. I am more music oriented than food or shelter oriented, so I worked with the bands to help them keep going.
My time of great need came at a time of their (the community's) great need. I had to move from my dream home (just before I joined here), because we could no longer afford it all since I was no longer working, and I had literally a half a truck full of sound gear to do something good with. I did not have time or the inclination to use eBay. I gave twenty three musically gifted kids their "dream" speakers and and amplifiers (all professional gear) as I emptied my overfilled barn so that we could vacate cleanly and sell out at a decent profit.
I can not describe how it feels to have a group of young, egotistical, gifted kids come together as a real "band" due to the minor efforts I have made in the past.
It is because of my previous involvement that my wife, a devout atheist, has also become involved with this church.
It's NOT a bad thing. I was not hurting people. I was helping young people to find their own way by supplying support in ways that the ones who truly love them can not conceive of doing.
I will probably get back into more volunteer work over the next few months. I think I need to. It has been over a year since I did anything for the youth music group.
Anyone who doesn't understand it can either fuck off or ask more questions.