How much is that in real money?
forty eight pounds = 21.7724338 kilograms
that's a quarter of a fat boy, that i no longer carry around. That in itself alllows more restful sleeep.
I have nevver neeeded much to recover, but getting four or five hours CONSISTENTLY, is awesome.
I exercise a bit on the bag every day. I am really bummed, because ever since I hurt my hip, I can not kick as high as I once could. I have really tried. Even when I was fatter, I could still jumpm enough to get my attack foot several inches above my head and I was really up there with power, before the injury. These days I can just get around my chin's height, but no higher.
I have tried! I can not accept that I am just too old, though. I will break that fucking bag some day, yet! Imagine a kind of free-form tai chi exercise with high energy punctuations.
that's my main work out.