If you mean changing the subject from parts' and Calandale's conversation, it wasn't intentional - my post was just existing in isolation as a random bitch.
The random bitch was about the same subject as my last couple though (why am I so fricking neurotic, it's badly screwing up my job hunt) so I can see how it would be misunderstood as relating to their posts.
Subjects are not like underwear. If they do NOT become dirty, then they need changing!

I know what you're saying though. Fact is, IT is probably more obvious to you than IT is to the person interviewing you.
I have never been to an interview when I did not feel like I could have done so much better if only I wudda, cudda, shudda ...
Part of that is the perfectionism in me (you/us), but part is that I don't often think on my feet as well as I know I can at other times. When that happens at an important time, I feel like I FUCKED UP!
I don't want to pretend to be some kind of smart guy with you, because after two years I finally got an hourly job, but pretending is what helps me more than anything. I play a character who has no such problems, in order to do my best. It's not one hundred percent, but it's a hell of a lot better than me trying to fudge my way along with a stranger. I even have little scripts (more like a series of moves to make, as in a chess match) that I try to use. If nothing else, it keeps me focussed on the here and now and allows me moments to think ahead while still seeming to be OK.
It's just a trick that works sometimes for me, in stressful situations.