I hate being too tired to sleep.
That is the leading cause of my sleeplessness.
After I logged offf, here, I tried to sleep, but none came.
Right now, I am running on adrenaline or something. I had two hours of sleep the night before, no naps between time. I am getting more wired as the day progressess. This is a standard thing. I go for about two weeks approaching some normallcy and then something ... something ... happens.
My mornal thirty two hour day becomes sevent eight hours. Sometimes it is more like a four day period with no sleep. Then I sleep like a sohmbitch, at least five or six hours ata atime.
Nothing but pot has ever helped.
I have the same type thing and even had a sleep study done with no conclusive results. In collage it was a few bong its that put me out but hose days are past I now take klonopin with a RX helps some but not never enough
You did a sleep study, too?
... wearing all the pads, tracking all your body functions and brain wave activity for a couple weeks at a time?

Was it a failure, like it was with me?
They later told me I was asleep when I could repeat every word they had said. They told me I was dreaming while I was talking to them. They told me that my sleep patterns do not indicate a restful state. They told me that I don't sleep normally!
They tried to medicate me, based on the study, to no avail. The more shit they pumped into me the worse I became. I even broke things in their lab, one night. They should not tell me it's a fucking mirror and not to look at it! I put a table through it, in a very hyper state, during the second round of sleepdrugs. None of it helped me.