Oh, and WTF is the matter with my son's autie camp these days? I thought they were supposed to be making things easier for us, not harder. 
What are they doing now? 
My son had a minor meltdown this morning because he didn't want to join the rest of the gang on today's activity. Instead of simply calling us, the staff called their boss who isn't the sharpest tool in the box but also all not THERE, who then called us long after we had already talked to our son (he, like every other teenager on the planet, has a mobile phone) and the whole incident was history. Then the boss called me again, an hour afterwards, to state the obvious (that the issue had been resolved and that HE had decided that the staff should take their chances and have my son come along for the activity) and annoyed me sufficiently to hang up on him after telling him what an inept twerp he is.
They drove my kid home a few minutes ago so I asked them if it would have been easier to call us directly instead of calling their boss. Or, if they preferred the bureaucracy, I could call someone else every time I wanted to talk to them and that someone could then call THEM. She didn't understand, just said that "he is our boss, after all".