I will have to go and see the mental health people myself. It is obvious that they will not ring me. I need some coping strategies and rl help.
Why the delay in their contacting you, do you know? It always gets hectic around this time of year, but that's not a good excuse. The need for support doesn't go away just because it's holiday season; if anything, everyone's stress level is going through the roof and the need is greater around this time of year.
If you tend to forget, as I do, to ask the questions you wanted to ask before going in, it's helpful to jot down some keywords on a slip of paper.
Maybe PMS Elle has some suggestions, from her perspective on the other side of the desk, on how to make your meeting better and more productive. I hope you go all right, renaeden.
I don't know about the delay. Either the doctor didn't ring them in the first place, or he did and they just put me on the low priority list. They have record of me being Borderline PD and autistic so maybe they think I am too hard to help? It doesn't matter I will go there anyway, with a list. I just feel as if I need time off from my stupid, difficult life. If suicide is not an option, what do I do? That is what I will ask.
You keep fighting, Ren. Fight the demons in your head. I know the desperate feeling of wanting a break from life, all too well. Been to that dark place more times than I care to count. If you ever need a friend to unload your thoughts on, please PM me. Keep fighting for help. Take a list, as detailed as you feel you can make it, and make them hear you. Hugs to you, my friend.